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Posts posted by ButterflyBones

  1. I am no longer excited right now. These snippets are so disappointing, the sound quality is a mess, the lyrics are cheesy as hell.. It's not even completely terrible by itself, but it's fucking atrocious compared to most of the leaks we've heard. It's like all of the depth, maturity, and growth got tossed in the trash in between then and all of this.


    I would kill for the version of PORTALS that we thought we were going to get by now. I just can't with these past 3 snippets especially. They're fucking bad.

  2. 16 minutes ago, The Siren said:

    i lowkey have a feeling that this album will surpass the streaming numbers of the previous albums because of this promo :hooker:

    K-12 had plenty of promo. Still failed initially. 


    This album won't fail I'm sure, but lord I'm not understanding this promo strategy. Like I said before though, I guess I'm just old now and out of touch with the TikTok way of releasing new albums

  3. Jesus Christ can this girl just fucking release something instead of giving us a millionth goose chase for this album? This got old last year. I'm not getting any more excited by these shitty snippets, either. Just spoiling the album and visuals for nothing


    Like we haven't even gotten a single announcement, and we've already seen the location of the videos, several outfits, the new look, a long ass snippet of each song apparently, etc.. fucking why


    Just one normal album release with no gimmicks, Mel. Please

  4. 3 hours ago, Anonymcomenter said:

    At this point I really doubt her management is forcing her to do nothing. They literally leave her go silent 4 years each time, don’t release singles, they give her budget to make a whole ass “movie”, it’s obvious she’s the one deciding the songs that make the cut… and still she’s not happy? 

    Late response, but for all the shit Atlantic Records receives(and deserves), you have to admit how gracious they've been towards her. She got signed on her first album to a huge label that immediately backed an insane tour and merch spread. Then not only did they greenlight her second album, tour, and more merch, but gave her almost 7 MILLION DOLLARS to turn the album into a full length film, and kept her signed even after going through an insane controversy where she was never legally proven innocent. After all this, and even after seeing how poorly her movie sold, they still greenlit her for a second movie, more tours and merch, and apparently extra music videos, too. She should probably be kissing their ass, lol..

  5. 10 minutes ago, 132 said:

    no because this pre-release promotional strategy is so weird to me. like usually the lead single is slated 3 month's prior to album's release and then at least another single but here we are. i suppose theyre doing it to interact with the fanbase but it was boring after the second egg imo :thumb3:

    The album release is literally at the end of this month and she hasn't even officially announced the single yet. If this had been a surprise release, that might've made sense, but here we are.. :eyeroll3:


    I'm sick of the snippets, too. The last 2 have sounded so muddy to me and some of these lyrics sound like they're going to be dumb as fuck for the sake of being unique and weird, just like the majority of K-12 and After School

  6. Or maybe I'm just old now and am out of touch with the way music releases work these days. Either way I feel like this could be going much smoother and I'm starting to worry that we're getting something closer to "K-12 2.0 - Cry Baby on Shrooms" than the MM3 we hoped for after hearing the leaks.

  7. 1 hour ago, sadness is a butterfly said:

    Ummm so the surprise was them DMing Crybabies then they’re sending them something and then retweeting fans praising them…. :xgiggle:

    They really love testing how much they can disappoint her fanbase and still have them kiss Melanie's ass, lol. This could have been such a quick, successful, and simple release but they're doing too much for nothing.


    Just announce the album, release a couple of teasers and a tracklist, then release the fucking album and go on tour. I don't need to hear a shitty snippet with no context of every song, see every look before we even get the visuals, and wait for a bunch of Stan pages to promote the album. This is getting fucking weird. :wtf:

  8. 32 minutes ago, Nightmare said:

    omg the lyrics of Larynx just hit… it’s literally about her vocal damage. it’s so cool (idk if it was obvious and i’m just dumb)


    but like…


    “my syllables hit the floor” cause she’s having an hard time talking probably due to the pain. while everyone is barking, screaming


    “how stupid selfish baby dont u battle with my larynx tonight” pretty obvious, she’s tired of the disease


    “ill wreck you if you chase me” expressing how she will still sing and be strong even tho the damage is chasing her/her voice 


    “but ill be silent if you cross the line” she knows she will eventually have to be silent if the pain/damage is too strong. she has no choice but to stay quiet 


    idk it’s iconic to me 


    I'm sorry but I really don't think that's what it's about, lol.. some of those lyrics aren't even right. Even if that is what the song is about, we know she can do better than that. A lot better

  9. Please tell me the surprise today wasn't supposed to be this. :azealia:


    "To celebrate the release of my new album PORTALS out 3/31, I'm offering a limited edition cassette of the album exclusively for my top fans on Spotify. There are only 3,000 copies worldwide, go get your copy now!"


    Like.. do they have to pay for it? If so, that's kind of silly when there's better merch available on her store already. And why a cassette instead of any other piece of merch? Most people probably won't even have a player. This whole release strategy has been weird for me. I think I'm just afraid to get another "wow, that was almost really good" era, though



  10. Lmao, there's a bunch of fucking 12 year olds getting defensive over the snippet criticisms in her comment sections, saying stupid shit like "if you were a TRUE FAN of her work, you would love and appreciate everything she does!!1!!1!" 


    I just.. :eartha:

  11. 1 minute ago, Pop The Balloons said:

    I actually really liked this song snippet tbh 


    The outfit is cute too but the prosthetic looks so odd here

    It's those dead fucking eyes 

    👁️ 👁️

    👁️ 👁️


  12. Love the outfit(maybe minus the cuffs), hate the fucking song. Those pre-chorus/chorus lyrics are just not it. :wtf: And why do these past 2 snippets have the worst sound quality?


    Would've taken any of the good leaks instead. Hope the full song is better than this teaser

  13. 7 minutes ago, Anonymcomenter said:

    Im getting a little tired of her trying to force her ass licking friends into this stuff like… please pay real actors to do the job cause Elitas acting… well… cringe :sideeye:


    In general they give a childish vibe to me :pls: like no one cares about them… at all 

    Elita is just generally a shitty person on top of being an absolute failure as an actress. Wish Melanie would stop working and hanging out with her but hey, not my problem

  14. 3 minutes ago, sadness is a butterfly said:

    I think this album will have some good tracks, but I’m losing hope that it will be redeeming of the wrongs done during the K-12 era. The lyricism seems very, very on the nose, maybe more so than K-12. Few, if any of the lyrics we have seen make one bit of sense outside of some narrative of this concept. :oprah3:

    Where are the Cry Baby writers when we need them?

  15. 2 minutes ago, Glitter Boy said:

    I'm pretty sure it's a stylistic choice rather than corrective - though I know where you're coming from. I honestly love vocoders but sometimes they don't feel right in some songs

    Yeah but I feel like this "stylistic choice" is a product of her trying to cover up how badly her voice is suffering since the Cry Baby tours. The leaked studio sessions showed how hard of a time she was having recording MM3, and after hearing that, I have a hard time believing that's not why there's such heavy vocoder and autotune in most of these snippets/leaks.

  16. It's going to be interesting hearing her play Spider Web live... Those overproduced beats rarely sound good on venue sound systems, and knowing how she struggles performing Play Date, how is she going to keep up with this one without the autotune to back her up? Idk. Anyway, drop the tracklist already please

  17. 23 minutes ago, Nightmare said:

    i'm so mad we got the leaks tbh. they ruined the expectations and only made y'all do crazy comparisons. the last snippet is okay, y'all are acting like she just released the worst song of all times and ended her career... chiiiiiill!! i'm sure it will make sense in the album as a whole and if it's still not that great we can just skip it. i'm honestly so happy for this record and i'm okay if none of the songs that leaked make the cut. (minus sirens, we need her)

    I would not give up those amazing leaks just because some people are criticizing a couple of the new snippets, lmao. Those are some of the best work she's ever done, like by far. No one is acting that snippet is the end of the world anyway, it just isn't that good compared to what we know could've taken it's place, and the instrumental we heard sounds dated already.


    I'm sure the song will do well no matter what a few of us think, though. It is just a discussion forum after all. There's going to be a billion different opinions.

  18. 1 hour ago, baked said:

    whats everyones favorite unreleased of mel? it can be any project, mine is either haunted that had me so fucked up when it first leaked or honestly im really liking tunnel vision lets hope a not too reworked version is on the album :dance:

    Outside of the PORTALS leaks:

    1. Maze

    2. You Love I

    3. History

    4. Trophy Wife

    5. Arts and Crafts


    PORTALS leaks:


    1. Fingers Crossed

    2. Needle & Thread 

    3. Faerie Soiree(OG demo)

    4. Mother of Pearl

    5. Death

  19. 3 minutes ago, Coloringbooks said:

    I'm sorry but we needed AK-47 to be a true K-12 outtake about a school shooting. That would've been far better than the “meh” song what we got. Her dark stuff >>>


    The last fucking thing we needed on K-12 was a song about school shootings. Just imagining the lyrics she'd have written.. Yikes

  20. I really love the idea of the creature but I'm no longer afraid to admit that these prosthetics look goofy outside of the stills. We've seen enough to judge it by now.


    I know she's in her experimental phase, but I really don't want to have another one of these "look at what we could've had if she wouldn't have scrapped everything good" eras. The weirdness stops being cute after a certain point and becomes just plain weird.

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