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Posts posted by ButterflyBones

  1. Well.. Womb is sounding like a little bit of a disappointment for a closing track. Definitely not what I was expecting or hoping for.


    I would just really like to see what the original tracklist was supposed to be before all of this got dropped in.

  2. 44 minutes ago, tulsa jesus freaks said:

    the people talking during the listening party tho :thumb3:


    "DOES ANYONE HAVE A CHARGER?" is the new rosemead exclusive baby?


    "she actually kinda ate" girl stfu

    Lmao, where are you finding this?

  3. 29 minutes ago, jamesss said:

    these lyrics are honestly hard to support. might be unstanning... theyre just like, weird.

    Same.. I swear to god if she actually ends up saying "put your penis in my mouth" I'm tossing my fucking phone out the window

  4. 7 minutes ago, FkaIl said:

    Melanie Martinez fans need to shut the fuck up forreal, it's hard enough to search Dbree without people having conversations via jpg filenames

    Dbree Cry Babies are absolute degenerates and I'll stick by that

  5. 3 minutes ago, Pop The Balloons said:

    That and the fact light shower is about bukakke, relatable 


    5 minutes ago, tulsa jesus freaks said:

    "push your penis in your mouth" yep that's me


    What the fuck is happening :eartha:

  6. 16 minutes ago, Anonymcomenter said:

    I agree, eventhough I can get through Void and Evil… BOTL not so much, it’s really bad :bebe:

    I enjoy Void and Evil but BOTL is a little one-note for me. 


    Speaking of songs that sound alike, it's crazy how different the reactions to Death and Sirens were considering how similar they are. I think Death tried a little too hard to be better and ended up missing the mark. What made Sirens so good though was simply but elegantly written verses, a banger chorus that didn't go on too long or repeat too much, and the perfect amount of experimental elements while staying true to her sound. You just can't deny it's one of her best songs, even if you personally don't love it.

  7. 1 hour ago, kuntsugi said:

    a different hair color would be enough if she wanted to change looks for the new era imo hopefully as time goes by she will realize sporting the prosthetics 24/7 is not a good idea

    I mean, she's been saying for years that she wants to separate herself from her music, but she's also technically been doing that for nearly a decade now by playing characters through concept albums, and it hasn't taken any attention off of her.


    It's not like people think she's really a pink alien fairy now, anyway, they know it's Melanie Martinez. Wasteful prosthetics that get in the way of her performances aren't going to help that, lol.

  8. 2 minutes ago, CoochieSwirlC said:

    So apparently they're not giving out CD's tomorrow. You can only pre-purchase for release day.

    Watch the attendance drastically lower now that people figured that out..


    Stuck in a room full of Cry Babies and no free CD :deadbanana:

  9. Not to be shitty, but what does she expect from her fans when it's been made obvious that most of her best music is the unreleased?


    She continues to put subpar music onto the albums(Moon Cycle.. WOTB.. Class Fight..???) and get surprised when people would rather hear Sirens.

  10. 11 minutes ago, Coloringbooks said:

    Wait, what happened? Do you mean the @/portals Instagram account? Because that's not actually her 


    Thank god, lol. I wasn't sure after everyone was saying it was a page created for the album. 


    19 minutes ago, missanthrophocene said:

    ok The Contortionist giving positions tease her kamasutra era and Light Shower monotonous production could easily be on K-12/After School. So far, lyricwise this album is not really deep into the life after death thematics as I thought it would be based on the leaks. The only songs that aren’t taken to a “i hate my ex” “love me hate me” or romantic situation are Death, Void, Faerie Soiree and Leeches… :bebe:


    I'm actually really liking Light Shower, especially the guitar. You just have to listen to it over headphones or a good speaker to hear the depth in the production, otherwise it does sound a little bland at first.


    And I agree with some of the lyrics being subpar to the leaks, but I'm glad she's going for something more relatable and personal instead of going way too deep into the theme. I feel like I'd rather have that this time than a concept album fully based on reincarnation and past life regression. Still would've been cool, though.

  11. Tonight was a bit rough. I really don't think this costume is worth all the trouble she's immediately having with it(apparently she choked on it tonight?), and the 2-4+ hours it takes to put it all on each time. She'll be exhausted trying to make it work for a whole tour, and it'll be years before she gets out of it if she's doing a whole movie and music videos.


    As far as the new songs go, The Contortionist and Light Shower were nice but I might not be coming back to them as much as the other songs. I hope to see her voice in better shape when the tours come around too, but we've been saying that for a while and it's already been discussed a million times, so yeah.


    Lastly, she just had to reupload her group chat for her Portals IG because the first one was instantly taken over by a bunch of trolls. It was pretty bad and I hate that it seems like every time she tries to do something fun it goes sideways. Poor girl was cursed in her last life or something, I swear.

  12. Just now, sadness is a butterfly said:

    I think if some people give her a chance, she could bring in a lot of new fans with this sound. I have seen folks lamenting the dryness of Miley’s new record, and I think this sort of rock pop sound that Mel is doing could appeal to that fan base, if she can find them. 

    Definitely. If we're being honest, most of the people that don't like her don't like her because of her sound and the themes she used to use. All of that has changed now. There are already people saying "I've never liked her but this is good" all over socials.

  13. Now that we've got a good idea of what the album is going to sound like and have heard full songs, I'm way more excited again. This is going to be the first album of hers that I can really enjoy as an adult. And even if there are a few skips for me, it's clearly not going to be anything like K-12, where I listened once and immediately moved on.


    The funniest thing for me is the fact that some of the snippets I liked the least have already ended up being some of my favorite tracks after she performed them live this weekend. EVIL especially. Totally different rhythm and sound than I expected from the snippet.

  14. 5 minutes ago, ImNoAngel said:

    I've been thinking about the running and door at the end of death. obviously cry baby went through the portal since the album is called portals. but i think she hesitated to long and everyone decided to go. so when she finally walked through maybe it sent her somewhere else. and thats her running to another door to try and follow everyone else. maybe the first portal killed her and everyone else but sent them somewhere different. idk i'm just so curious about the movie and story. i need to know. 

    Yeah, the song doesn't exactly make sense for her to have already gone through the door, and VOID being track 2 makes me think that's when she goes through instead.


    So what I wondered is, if that's true, did she hesitate and stay behind long enough to begin dying in her human body, and ran to the portal as a last ditch effort to be saved? Or to find the next place, where all of her friends went? I think that's a slightly more interesting idea than immediately starting the album in her next life.

  15. 1 minute ago, Anonymcomenter said:


    okay, now I’m excited for The Contortionist 


    Light Shower not so much… :gasp:

    I'm into her slow songs, so I'm into Light Shower(although I'll admit that one line is a little weird, in a traditionally Melanie sort of way). But it's spider web that I'm worried about, lol. 


    The snippet is so short and the majority of it is instrumental, so I feel like the full song is either going to take us by surprise and be way better than we expected, or it'll be the worst song on the album. 

  16. 16 minutes ago, sadness is a butterfly said:

    So I called the record store back, she said Melanie’s record label has given them very little info so far. Said there would likely be some merch available, maybe a poster. She wasn’t sure about the whole CD thing but she made it seem like it could still happen.


    Either way, I will be there! 

    That's weird, you'd think they wouldn't give the stores such short notice. Melanie's team is surprisingly all over the place though, considering they work for someone who's so particular with almost everything she does. I wouldn't be surprised if that's the main reason some of this album rollout has been a little off, and if so, I feel bad for her but I'm glad it doesn't seem to be getting in the way.

  17. 1 minute ago, CoochieSwirlC said:

    It really rubs me the wrong way how she put so much effort into recording 'Sirens' just to not end up releasing it possibly over those leaks :oprah2:

    Definitely sucks considering it was her favorite song that she'd worked on at one point. It looks like she was able to take what she loved with Sirens and turn it into several new tracks that she might even like better, though. It's always sad to have something you worked really hard on get screwed, but it helps when you can take the pieces of it to create something bigger and better. 


    Of course though, people are really attached to Sirens and haven't really heard the new tracks in full HQ, so it's understandable that they're so upset to see it scrapped. I was too.

  18. 2 hours ago, Anonymcomenter said:

    I Don’t know why but I have lost all hype for this album… idk

    I'm still really excited for the full album and videos, but I'll admit I expected there to be more going on by now with this release + lollapalooza and everything. 


    Mostly I'm just surprised she held back on releasing a video for the single, and that there was so little promo for an album coming out within weeks.

  19. 4 hours ago, sadness is a butterfly said:

    Agree, also you can’t even see her face to see if she’s in distress or something. 

    My main fears with the costume is that she'll either start dying of heat exhaustion and have to walk out in the middle of a concert, pass out on stage, or have pieces falling off while she's trying to dance. 


    I just don't see every single tour show going on without a single wardrobe malfunction. Those issues happen all the time, and things like prosthetics only make it more likely.

  20. I'm not going to lie, I feel like wearing the prosthetics for every performance is asking for an accident to happen eventually. I hope that's not what happened tonight, because it's odd that both of her shows for Lolla have ended really suddenly with no warning.

  21. Not sure if it's just my headphones, but it really sounded like the instrumental for Soap was changed up a little here. Always been my favorite track on Cry Baby besides Sippy Cup, loved this version!

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