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Posts posted by ButterflyBones

  1. 57 minutes ago, missanthrophocene said:

    melanie sweetie... :eartha:

    she needs to do her comeback solo

    If she's in it and it doesn't do well, at least it'll be Bella's failure and not Melanie's, lol.

  2. 37 minutes ago, BowOfLove said:

    Maybe she's just in the mv. When is it dropping? 

    Today, probably early afternoon or any minute now. 


    If Melanie is featured, it may be that they're gauging the success of Bella's single to see whether or not it's a good time to release any MM3 singles.

  3. 4 hours ago, missanthrophocene said:

    I swear to god if she makes her comeback featuring in someone's else songs... :bye:

    She and Bella have definitely been around eachother a lot lately, the timing would add up if it's true. 


    We'll see tomorrow, I guess. At least it would mean we're moving forward again and can hope for MM3 singles soon.

  4. 13 minutes ago, BowOfLove said:

    Her singles never chart anyways though :rip:

    Her albums chart though, and this single might too if it's good enough and gets released at the right time.


    I can definitely see something like Sirens charting, and she could definitely have more songs featured on soundtrack(like Carousel on AHS) if this album is marketed correctly. :oic3:

  5. 4 hours ago, sadhotforever said:

    I think if her label keeps pushing "commercial" successes then she'll keep flopping.

    I see what you mean, but she hasn't been "flopping". Her releases are pretty successful, just not marketed very well by her label. And I think my comment is being misunderstood. What I meant was, her album and singles will have a wider success if she holds back the release until the pop scene calms down a little.


    She may not be in competition with artists like Beyoncé and Lady Gaga, but that isn't the issue, it's just a simple matter of trying to attract the most attention possible towards her album. Her single would get drowned on the charts if she put it out right now.

  6. 23 minutes ago, sadhotforever said:

    I feel like the pop industry is not going to calm down anytime soon, and considering that Melanie relies heavily on her dedicated fanbase. She might as well start releasing, as her fans will still pay attention to her.

    Her album won't have room to breathe if it gets released right now, and the single would get a lot of distraction from the bigger artists putting out new music this summer. 


    Besides, I bet the stans who keep saying they're "giving up on her" will be the first ones to stream MM3, and the average listener isn't the type to keep up with release dates anyway.

  7. And although I agree on waiting to release the single and LP at a better time, I'm not sure that her staying silent about the album is working in her favor. It's causing some impatience and I'm afraid that'll only cause more hacks and harassment from certain "fans".


    People love to blame Melanie's lack of interaction on the leaks, but the leaks happened because of the lack of interaction, and the lack of interaction happened because a lot of this fandom has been abusive to her for years. It goes in a circle.


    Hoping we just don't get any more setbacks and she's able to put out new music ASAP.

  8. We've just got Sky Ferreira, Halsey, Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, and many more releasing fresh singles and albums, and it's not going to stop there. Atlantic Records is most likely pushing back major releases like MM3 until things quiet down again in the pop industry.

  9. Well they have a new dog apparently, but there's still no news of the single or album, and it seems like Melanie is just ignoring the situation at this point. 


    I'm usually a pretty patient person but there's something so irritating about all of this

  10. 36 minutes ago, missanthrophocene said:

    I really wish she made it the single instead of The Bakery... like, she even said it was going to be her favorite music video she's EVER made. I hate Atlantic Records so much:eartha2: 

    They just had to go for that generic pop single $. Don't get me wrong, I love The Bakery, but Test Me is by far the better song. It would have made for a much more interesting video.


    Personally I was expecting something similar to Cellophane by FKA Twigs, with the aerial hoop instead of the pole. Would've been great.

  11. Same, Cry Baby is iconic but the looks from that era weren't all my favorite. It'd be fun to see what she would have done with the visuals now, almost 10 years later. Kind of wish we could've gotten a livestream produced similarly to the one for K-12.


    It's a let down that she wasn't able to make the Play Date or Test Me videos too, but I have a feeling somehow one day we'll figure out what she had in mind. She might use the treatments she wrote for future projects, anyway.

  12. 4 minutes ago, The Siren said:

    maybe its the "one last time before things are finalized for promo" type posts :awkney:

    Not sure why we would need that when we've already gotten like 500 this year. Even if we weren't waiting for her to release something, it'd still get old having the same video posted every week, just with her in a different knit crop top and hat.


  13. I'm guessing (hoping?) that the manicure she was showing off has something to do with a photoshoot or video that we might get soon.


    It's definitely way more decorative than functional anyway, and I'm pretty sure the last few times she's showed off manicures like this it was for something she was filming.

  14. Apparently she unfollowed everyone on Twitter. Could be for several reasons, but I'm going to reach here and hope it has something to do with the start of the MM3 era. She has been trying to release a single for nearly 4 months now.. :oic3:

  15. At this point I'm pretty sure 90% of her online stans are 12 year olds. All they do is talk shit about everything she does, call her ugly, spread MM3 rumors, and complain about leaks. 


    Just saw an entire thread of people trolling her and saying all kinds of crap over those candid pics and it was so fucking odd. I look exactly like her without makeup too, they got me feeling ugly as hell, lol. :rip: 


    Anyway, this is why she doesn't interact. This fanbase is the worst to her.

  16. I swear to god sometimes it seems like her own stans hate her. So many comments on Twitter are dragging her so hard over those candid pics from the other day, calling her ugly and all kinds of shit. It's weird.


    There were even people blaming her eye bags(which are natural and have been there for years) on leakers, lol... This fandom, man.:awkney:

  17. 1 hour ago, Sonofmoonshine said:

    actually she said she wants to continue Cry baby's life for more 2 records, so up to MM4

    I highly doubt she's career-suicidal enough to do another Cry Baby album, and I also doubt that she's ignorant to all of the criticism going on in the fandom right now. She has to know that people are getting tired of her doing the same old thing, and honestly she seems tired of it herself. I think in the future we'll probably be seeing a whole new side of her, and I'm here for that.

  18. Luckily she said herself that Cry Baby will not be a continuing character after MM3, and I get the feeling that she's going to evolve her into some sort of metaphysical being like Lilith in order to bring her story to a close.


    I just want to hear straight from Melanie's mouth what's going on with this album being pushed back again. At this point, updates would be just as good as getting a single.

  19. 2 hours ago, sadhotforever said:

    While I do think that Atlantic Records is very problematic and definitely damaging to Melanie, I think that a large part of her problems involve her.


    I also don't know if this is possible for Melanie, but I think if she put out an unreleased album in between these 4-year periods, her label would be better able to prioritize her

    She's always going to be extremely ambitious, maybe too much sometimes, that's true. It worked for her before though, I'm sure with the right direction and the right team she could make it work again. It's not like K-12 was a complete failure, anyway.


    She can't just release whatever she wants(especially old scrapped music) if Atlantic won't let her, either. Besides, I don't think she wants a lot of that stuff to be listed in her professional discography.

  20. I would have fucking loved to see the Test Me music video. She was so excited about the treatment she wrote, and said it'd be her favorite video she's ever produced. She was begging for streams to get the budget approved, and I'm sure she got plenty, Atlantic Records just sucks, lol.


    Hoping she repurposes the video for another song in the future, or at least releases the concepts so we can see what she wanted to do with it.

  21. My comment was 90% just a joke about how shitty Atlantic Records has been treating many of their top artists lately, and how they seem to have made Melanie choose between funding for After School music videos or funding for future projects(RIP Test Me music video).


    There were tons of musicians all over social media speaking about how controlling and terrible they are as a label, and I feel like Melanie would find a way to make it without them backing her.

  22. "Taking pictures of me when I ask 'no more'"


    I feel bad that she got caught so off guard in those pictures. I get that people want content, and so do I, but I feel like it would have been better to just, IDK.. ask for a photo?


    In other news, fuck Atlantic Records. How do they expect to make any money if they keep bullying all of their artists to death? I hope Melanie finds a way to leave her contract and move on to an independent career. She could probably get more funding from her fans than from her own label at this point

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