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Posts posted by ButterflyBones

  1. Imagine if she actually made music still instead of ugly necklaces that cost half a grand. The success she would have 😍


    Seriously though, she has lost her damn mind and everyone except her most hardcore and obsessive stans is getting tired of her. I just want her to stop dragging her own career through the dirt and make a smart decision for herself.

  2. At this point what Melanie lacks is separating her goals from her realities. If she keeps taking years to flesh out complex storylines and entire films for every album and EP, she'll go broke within another 15 years, and her fans won't be waiting around. 


    She's scraping for a budget for the film that was supposed to be out this year, while buying $1000s in clothing, and selling her old items for excessive amounts of money that she doesn't even bother to package safely. It's not a good look, and it's no wonder she's being criticized so heavily lately. I'd rather see her loosen up on her "vision" than run herself into the ground.

  3. I think this has been coming for a while. Her ambitions are too high, and her inability to compromise her vision for a more realistic path has hurt her. With CB, she had a great team helping her create her tracks, videos, even lyrics. But 2 years later, almost all of those people bailed, saying she was difficult to work with, and wouldn't take any constructive criticism.


    She is self-admittedly stubborn, which may have payed off for her in another situation, but instead left her with one acclaimed album in nearly a decade, a commercial failure of a sophomore slump, and more leaks than released music because her fans are so tired of waiting for her.


    If she had taken the time to listen to the people around her in 2015, and been more careful with her career decisions, she would undoubtedly be twice as successful as she is now. At the same time, if she wants to drop her music career to hang out in haute couture and sell all her things to afford her lifestyle(and clothing) instead, that's also fine.

  4. I definitely think there could be a few songs in the movie that aren't on the album, just to draw more attention to it and sell more tickets. 


    I just have a hard time believing she's scrapping all of those leaks. Some of them are arguably her best work yet, but we also haven't heard this other material, so 🤷‍♀️

  5. IDK, there's still a possibility that some of the leaks will be in the film. She said "none of the songs I'm putting out this year have been heard yet", that's all.


    As far as we know she's rolling out the album first, which will probably mean we aren't getting the movie until around 2023. If so, all that comment might mean is that she isn't using tracks that people have already heard as her 2022 singles. It wouldn't make sense to try and build hype for a new album with songs that have been circulating for almost a year now, anyway

  6. I think if it weren't for the mass scale of the 2021-2022 leaks, and the amount of people openly admitting to and commenting to her about listening to them, she wouldn't be scrapping so many of the songs.


    This is also the most material she's ever had leaked as far as everything from K-12 1.0 to the MM3 sessions. I can see why she's taking it more seriously this time around, but I hate to see such good material get wasted.

  7. 29 minutes ago, 13 Bitches said:

    mother of pearl is one of the worst songs we got so idk why everyone is so mad


    if she scraps needle and thread, sirens, tunnel vision, faerie soiree or fingers crossed we have a problem though

    MoP was a new and experimental sound, which is what it seemed like almost all of her fans wanted at this point. You can dislike it, but you can't deny that it's unique to her usual material, and that's presumably why she made it. 


    If anything it's just disappointing to hear that she's scrapping it because it would have been a standout from her discography, and made for an interesting video. I'll be truly shocked if she doesn't use Sirens though, I'll say that.


    This unleaked material had better be god-tier if she's expecting it to be better than what we've already heard. Not sure how this is going to go from here

  8. Still betting on an Easter single. Three eggs in the pictures, three weeks 'til Easter, themes of life/death/rebirth etc.. like I said before, it'd check out. There was also that post from last year about "waiting on these eggs until they hatch".

    Hope the unleaked material holds up to everything we've heard so far and it's not another "unreleased is better than the album" scenario, too.


  9. Hoping she meant that as "the singles I'm releasing this year will be new, unheard material" and not "I'm scrapping all of the leaked material for the album and film", but idk at this point.


    I'm also disappointed to hear direct confirmation that MoP has been scrapped, but it sounds like she hadn't planned on finishing it, and at least we have a good demo.

  10. Okay, forget what I said the other day. After the Instagram story she posted earlier, I'm pretty sure she may be going for an Easter release for the single.


    Would make sense, with the themes of resurrection, rebirth, (im)mortality, etc

  11. If this first single isn't something unleaked, I feel like it's either going to be Tunnel Vision or Emerald. They both make a good segue from After School, and are sonically similar enough to her last single(Bakery) that it won't give fans of her older material whiplash.


    Some people were saying it'd be Sirens or Dragon's Blood, but I'm sure she's saving those for the movie.

  12. I feel like Drama Club could've been one of the best songs on K-12 if she would've given it more body in the second half, at least for the album version.


    The repetition is understandable as background music for the scene in the film, but it sounds unfinished on it's own. Unfortunately though, I feel like a lot of K-12 suffers from that.

  13. Wondering what the deluxe tracks will be for this next album. 


    Also wondering what the original deluxe tracks for K-12 were supposed to be. I'm a curious bitch, I'd love to see the original plans.

  14. You're not wrong, but I honestly doubt Twitter staff is going to do anything past disabling the account. That person also wouldn't have been selling leaks if so many fans weren't shelling out $100s for unreleased like crazy people.


    That fact is, even if they have their accounts taken down, they'll find a way to make new ones, or someone else will take their place. It sucks, but it's just the time we're living in. Hopefully in the future artists will learn to accept that this isn't something they can stop, and start working on upping their security instead of waiting for leaks to surface and getting angry.

  15. Leaking is bad and all, but this is going to end up with some teenager being doxxed and harassed over leaks most people aren't even listening to. It's not like Melanie is going to give them a cookie for this, either, so.. 


    Also, as far as the "buying an NFT just to troll Melanie" goes, yeah that's dumb and petty, but did she think NFTs we're going to attract normal people from her fanbase? Of course it was going to be the obsessive weirdos who would do something like this to get her attention.


  16. I'm not going to lie, I personally like the "they covered their ears, my love" breakdown the most, but overall the V4 demo sounds best and seems pretty much finished. I'll be interested to see what changes between now and it's release. Out of any of the leaked tracks, I think Sirens is the least likely to be scrapped.

  17. 26 minutes ago, Salem said:

    Her first statement when she got on too was about how she couldn't find a cute outfit for her avatar and she asked people to "please don't be mean to [her]" so it was just... Really awkward. I do think the people there deffinetly contributed but I kinda feel like it would've been a bit awkward reguardless. She deffinetly just seemed uninterested in the whole thing and honestly I don't blame her. It looked like a knockoff roblox game. 

    It was definitely awkward. Most of her responses seemed rushed, and like I said, uninterested. I also just find it funny that this is how so many artists and their fans interact now online, spamming each other and talking to each other like it's a chat board. I didn't expect Melanie to go into in-depth responses and spend hours talking with people, but she could've come across as more "involved" here? Idk. Her fans in the chat were being so embarrassing though, it's not like she owed them an actual conversation. I'm definitely starting to believe these were a bunch of kids who used their parents credit cards to buy an NFT, lol..

  18. This M&G was so strange. It's a prime example

    of how obsessive and uncomfortable so many of her fans can be. Half the questions being asked were questions that anyone with common sense would realise were rude(mostly about her unreleased or upcoming songs), and she seemed like she wasn't even very interested or involved in the conversation. Not that it's hard to see why, but what a weird mess.

  19. I agree. I'm honestly over Cry Baby after nearly 8 years, and at this point I only have Soap and Sippy Cup on my playlist. K-12 never really had my attention to begin with. It felt underdone, and didn't have that "listen over and over" factor that Cry Baby had.


    I get that she was going for a cohesive sound, but the beats don't have the standout quality that the first album had. The lyrics took a tumble in quality too, and the album ended up as more of a soundtrack to the film than an actual standalone LP.


    It also seems like she got tired of her own act a couple of years ago, and has been wanting to move on but wasn't fully ready to or didn't know how. I think this is a great way to do it, keeping the character and having her "transform". We'll of course have to wait and see where she goes from here, but I'm almost sure it'll be a big refresher from where she's been for nearly a decade now.

  20. 4 minutes ago, missanthrophocene said:

    I'd love if Melanie released a mixtape, the way we would get a vast expansion of her sound and so many experimental songs :wowcry:

    She'd have to get her label to approve it first, and let go of her "vision" of only having certain songs and albums released. I don't see it happening any time soon if it hasn't already, but it would be nice to see. She'd make a lot more money that way than selling bracelets.

  21. I feel like Melanie is quickly becoming a case study in "shit to not do as an artist".


    I'm glad she's getting the money she needs, but there were better and more honest ways to do it. If her ambition wasn't higher than her budget after barely passing 2 albums in 8 years, this probably wouldn't happen to begin with.


    She's also been making comments about "being broke" since she made her first million and started purchasing designer clothes, so sorry if my sympathy is low this time around. I get it when it was the dollhouse video, but an entire movie? That's a bit much to ask from your fans.

  22. 17 minutes ago, Salem said:

    The way they were $111-$444 and still all sold 🥴 I swear people will pay ANYTHING for something Mel touched. Am I crazy or does anyone else remember someone selling one of the oranges she threw during the K-12 tour? 

    The part that weirds me out is that she doesn't even make the beads, or disclose where they come from or even what material the bracelets and charms are made of. You could be paying $400 for a plastic beaded bracelet just because she put it together. Like, girl, just put up a GoFundMe, lol. Or a Patreon, Lord knows plenty of people would throw their whole wallet at her just to have more content

  23. I wasn't sure about these new outtakes after the weird edits, but these are cute. I have to wonder why she (or her label) can't stop scrapping so much good material though. Cry Baby was nice, but after that, the quality of the official content dropped and the leaked/unreleased quality went up to the point of it practically becoming a meme in the fandom.

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