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Posts posted by hotshot2am

  1. 21 minutes ago, nectarofthegodss said:

    How many are in stock? I’m broke at the moment :crai:


    21 minutes ago, yourboy said:

    How many are they printing? Wow


    21 minutes ago, The Sun Also Rises said:


    It's probably returns. I bought mine from a U.K. store restock (after my CA one didn't turn up) and it had visible flaws. So I suspect it's all the ones people are not happy with and have returned. I got a £3 refund or something since I really wanted it anyway :pft2:


    1800 are in stock, so far no other store has restocked them so it's possibly leftover inventory.

  2. 5 hours ago, hotshot2am said:

    They added a lot of products to the US store, if I had to guess there will be a Black Friday sale this week with leftover inventory.


    Sorry, doesn't appear to be anything interesting :um2:


    They just added back a couple old products without any discounts. The new items can be seen by selecting a specific album in the menu: https://shoplanadelrey.com

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