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caitlyn valliulina

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Posts posted by caitlyn valliulina

  1. 20 hours ago, Burthdaykake said:

    One of the things that bother me the most in the fandom is how some people openly attack and hate on Nikki Lane saying awful things about her just because Lana herself chose to live a simpler life going on road trips to the Midwest and performing in small venues in Texas… it’s not like Nikki obligated her to do that, she didn’t hold Lana at gunpoint and told her to change her lifestyle, she’s a grown woman and can make her own choices and not be judged for them if she’s not harming anyone.

     It must be awful to see people hating on and blaming your best friend when you’re happier with the life you have now :-(


    I don't understand this one either! Do they think it's quirky or funny or what? I wonder how they would react if Lana saw & replied to some of the things they say about the people who make her the happiest. I don't listen to Nikki because I'm not a big country music listener but there's no reason for any of us to dislike her? :raven:

  2. 5 hours ago, Honeyyoung said:

    people who defend her at any cost and think people who didn't agree with things like QFTC "lack reading comprehension skills" 


    as a defensive lana stan, i feel like i would feel less defensive over her controversies if people didn't try to label her things she isn't just because she made a couple of dumb choices in the past or said things she shouldn't h it's annoying when i just wanna post something lana related and someone has to leave a comment calling her a racist karen who made out with her sister :stareney:

  3. On 1/28/2023 at 10:51 AM, lilac heaven said:

    people who defend the mesh mask and ship her and the pig :rip: also white people who see nothing wrong with QFTC… while i understand her intention and know she didn’t mean to cause any harm, it would’ve been a lot more positively impactful if she didn’t drop any names :bebe:


    about the mask, did we ever find out if there was actually plastic layering or if she just made that up? and about qftc, i think parts of it were tone deaf and she could've done without the name dropping but literally none of it indicated racism or misogyny or any of the other crazy things people were accusing her of - i actually think the overall message was pretty much right.

  4. 5 hours ago, lanaismamom said:

    stans who aggressively protect nfr - those who, if u say nfr isnt her best or genius, gonna call u a f*g and block u (those ones are usually who became a fan after nfr), and thats a red flag case instant


    I don't even see how people can rate her albums. It's sooo hard for me because they're all different and perfect in their own ways :bebe:

  5. 1 hour ago, IanadeIrey said:

    I think what’s so upsetting about this to me is that the people who say that period of her career is “problematic” are people who haven’t experienced any ounce of real life 💀 Which is not their fault but they can’t think critically about what Lana produces and what we consume as fans—which doesn’t require having lived a particular kind of life. And in thinking critically about the material, there are deeper sociopolitical conversations that could be had about some songs like Put Me in a Movie but instead it becomes an opportunity to denounce an entire period of Lana’s artistic expression because it contains some of her most serious, thought-provoking, and culturally-important subject matter. And it concerns the very true realities of our world and more generally, the darker underbelly of developed economies (in both the west and east!), which we certainly cannot ignore. These uninformed critiques of her pre-BTD work are, therefore, also the kinds of dismissal she talked about in QFTC. It’s so dismissive to her and the art! Sorry to get deep about this in a light-hearted thread but it must be said ❤️


    I don't understand how people refuse to see her as a real person.. what type of level headed normal person calls another person's very real experiences (for the most part) "problematic" :oprah:  

  6. 22 minutes ago, evalionisameme said:

    Lana is a sexy person but what possess people-especially some of her male fans to describe wanting to spank her ass or feel her  body is just TMI and demeaning-“think” -don’t post the damn comment.


    they think it's okay because she's a celebrity and "won't see it" but I'm sure she sees a lot more than we think...

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