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Everything posted by AOK

  1. AOK

    Sky Ferreira

    and merch, merch, merch. i want a tee with that damn shower scene
  2. AOK

    Sky Ferreira

  3. AOK

    Sky Ferreira

    you wait by the phone
  4. AOK

    Sky Ferreira

    actually not... she seems to play a focal character this time
  5. AOK

    Sky Ferreira

    she looks like lindsey lohan
  6. AOK

    Sky Ferreira

    now i'm the lonely boy again
  7. AOK

    Sky Ferreira

    There's a crack Reflective grass Stone face Mute glance
  8. AOK

    Sky Ferreira

    Repetitiveness of verses is not always a sign of an unfinished lyricall component - see Kiss It Better by Rihanna for instance. It might be purposeful.
  9. AOK

    Sky Ferreira

    Even in toxic love there is place for romanticism... The whole picture might not have particular romantic vibes, but the extent of affection/devotion of that one side in a relationship, and in general the presentation of the feelings with this specifc choice of words... is something. Babies, romanticism is not equal to happiness - to my mind, at least.
  10. AOK

    Sky Ferreira

    I love it. It's so romantic <3
  11. AOK

    Sky Ferreira

    Let me just remind you that the owner of SkyFUpdates, right around the time of Marc's campaign Sky took part in with that aquarium photo, shared a details regarding Descending, and its intro with that 'took my hand' line... So if they heard the song in full in March, I think it was already done then. They even seemed to be hinting that it is actually Descending coming out first rather than Don't Forget... But later on, the tweets got deleted (the one with the intro mention) and so it was later on revealed that it's Don't Forget what is actually coming.
  12. AOK

    Sky Ferreira

  13. AOK

    Sky Ferreira

  14. AOK

    Sky Ferreira

    young millionaires
  15. AOK

    Sky Ferreira

    she'll probably die in that car
  16. AOK

    Sky Ferreira

    Around mid 2014 (2nd grade of high school) I just kept seeing the NTMT cover somewhere on YT when it was the time of massive numbers of "full album" videos there. The cover caught my atention (its dark tone, the feeling of being scared, vulnerable or as if something bad is about to happen soon - the forever iconic Ferreira in the green shower), so once I decided to give it a shot. While having my first listen, Nobody Asked Me, I Will and the title track clicked instantly - especially the last one brought incredible eeriness to my ears (I was listening to it in complete darkness in front of my monitor with headphones on), which was completely unexpected considering the rocky, uptempo feeling almost every single track has. I was really satisfied after the first listen (although back then I had an impression that many songs sound really similar to each other), and I kept coming back to that album slowly starting to love other songs as well, and seeing that each of them actually sound different, and it is just a matter of a perfectly adjusted common thread/tone that gives a very cohesive experience - the thing that nowadays I cherish A LOT as it makes me see the whole thing as a complete artistic expression, body of work, the art captured in the sound and its stylistic rather than a collection of songs randomly titled. After those few listens I started getting to know Ferreira, her background and I was completely amused with her sense of style, mysterious persona, as well as introvertism/shyness which I 100% relate to. A fan forever, honestly.
  17. AOK

    Sky Ferreira

    do y'all think she's a vegetarian?
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