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All Around the Moon

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Everything posted by All Around the Moon

  1. I am sitting here with my credit card right next to me unable to do the work I need to do tonight. I hope she drops it at 7:00 so I can relax after that.
  2. Imagine the chaos if A&W, merch, and the magazine cover dropped at the same time. I hope these are spaced out for all of our sanity
  3. The way that I'm so hyped about A&W that it feels like the entire album is dropping tomorrow
  4. Can I ask what the sizing is like? I'm probably going to order 1 size up anyway, but I just want to see if it runs big or small.
  5. Disco came up on shuffle on my drive to work and that's what I imagine the first half of A&W sounding like, only a bit faster and more angry. Can't wait for tomorrow!
  6. I had such a vivid dream about A&W being released at midnight on the 14th and it sounded amazing. I am so ready for it.
  7. I had a feeling it would come next week. These next 9 days will be torture, but they'll be worth it
  8. I only post here like once a month, but I've been keeping up with this thread and I just wanted to say a huge thank you to @Kintsugi for spilling so much information and making this pre-release super exciting. I'm so hyped about each song that it's hard to claim any because I want to claim them all!
  9. This really surprises me because the vibes I'm getting from the album artwork are totally different. Lyrically this sounds like it'll be similar to Chemtrails and Blue Banisters.
  10. I feel like this was completely glazed over. What do we think this means? I associate waves with NFR, but I also don't think she's returning to that sound based on what BOZ has said.
  11. I was so annoyed when I saw because I told you and another friend about it and we all paid more in shipping. We can probably cancel our orders though since it's a pre-order. I may do that.
  12. These stores are! I just grabbed one for myself. https://drownedworldrecords.com/products/did-you-know-that-there-s-a-tunnel-under-ocean-blvd-light-green-2-lp-vinyl?variant=43630495334617&currency=USD&utm_medium=smart_campaign&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=gs-2021-10-28&gclid=CjwKCAiAs8acBhA1EiwAgRFdw04-IhCiqAAls7-Frijr-KlxOBzzWv5djWuLRjyueXgGfBeHmMyyjRoCGLsQAvD_BwE https://townsendmusic.store/product/106450
  13. Thank you! I just ordered it because it's my favorite one and I would've been so sad if it sold out
  14. Do you guys think Target will have their exclusive in stock once it releases? I remember the Blue Banisters exclusive wasn't there for long. I'm just trying to avoid spending money on shipping.
  15. I am so overwhelmed between all of the vinyl variants, photography, and the song. All I can say at the moment is I am HYPED.
  16. I was a lurker for most of this thread, but I just want to say it was such a wild ride and I'll see you guys on the other side
  17. Now that we're on page 1111... is it time for the @111 exclusive?
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