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Posts posted by marryingkind

  1. 5 minutes ago, hotshot2am said:

    Do people here prefer a cohesive album with a single producer or albums that have a variety of producers? LDR9 seems to be the latter with likely 3-5 producers :dua:

    Depending on how those producers work, the album may sound cohesive. But i do get your point and it’s something we should think about.


  2. 54 minutes ago, For K said:

    Does anybody have a quick list of the producers we suspect to be on this next album? I'm sure it's somewhere in here but I don't wanna go searching for it. 

    Some of the famous ones are out of the album.

    There’s the one on rockefeller and Jack probably have one track or another.

    1 minute ago, the ocean said:

    what if we're getting the Lana Del Christmas album :ma:
    lead single "(My Pussy Tastes Like) Egg Nog" out December 24th :ma:

    I’ll try to find eggnog here in Brazil to drink while I listen to this EDM x Jazz banger. Some of that christmas-esque sound on how to disappear will be on it too.

  3. “God u guys really made me come here.

    Okay, so to clear things up. 
    Yup, I’m a Lana fan. (Mostly a halsey one).
    Nope I haven’t heard the album or want anything to do with it (unless Rick or DH are in it which I pray for)
    I was joking on that reply.

    I deleted the tweets after I saw the lanaboards posts cuz I don’t want u guys to wast your time with stuff like:

    DCRITE= Crohns Disease 
    or me Drinking Coca Cola.

    The Lana Folder u guys are asking about is a folder with og mp3 files I couldn’t find online.

    I know as much abt UV as u guys.
    The “amount of stuff she recorded” was relatable to people saying she reworked songs.

    Also the album I heard is one my friend took 3 years to make and is releasing soon.

    Sorry to disappoint but pls stop threatening me on my dms.”

    Hey guys, so here’s the dm of the guy that *some* of you persist to talk about. 



  4. 1 hour ago, cherrytropico said:


    we lost :noparty: he’s not spilling any more shit 

    He probably hasn’t any tea tbh. There are few lana stans in Brazil that knows something about the next album. 
    we barely know LB and any other sources of infos related to Lana. 
    We pick our informations from sources like LDRA (a fan club) and Lana Del Rey Brazil– and both of them doesn’t have any privileged infos about the next album.

    i don’t know any brazilian stan that is known for being a leaker (if there’s any, I’d probably know them since I’m a stan since 2012. When Lana came to Brazil, a lot of stans came to me asking which hotel she was in– I won’t comment on that since I really think that Lana’s personal safety is more important.)

  5. 1 hour ago, Venice Peach said:

    For the ones that followed me:

    I'm going to tell you a secret at midnight. 

    I don't get it :icant: maybe it's a Brazilian meme but it makes no sense to me.

    Maybe I didn't translate it properly 


    1 hour ago, Trrrrrr said:

    what does "De onde veio essa gnt?" mean? gnt?

    Hey guys! I’m kinda drunk rn but I’ll try to explain.

    we (brazilians) use “de onde veio essa gente?” When we do a tweet that a lot of people comment on. It literally translates to “where do all these people come from?”.– we pretend that we don’t understand why our tweet went viral (it’s a phrase from a famous brazilian video)

    about the “vou te contar uma coisa a meia noite” means “I’ll tell you something midnight”. A lot of guys use this to make (mostly women) curious. It’s a meme, don’t take that seriously. It certainly means nothing.

    1 hour ago, For K said:


    I have a feeling this doesn’t translate into something great for us :ohmy:

    no, it doesn’t. It’s a brazilian meme.


    1 hour ago, kaliuchis said:

    “Comente um Tweet aleatório do seu amigo e agr a Fan base da Lana tá me seguindo.”


    And he also deleted that tweet that said “you’ll understand in a few months” ben really got his ass 😭😭

    lana’s stans in Brazil are WILD, we really love her. Probably they said something about Lana and a lot of us lipsters followed him– but it seems like he doesn’t know anything about our mother. He just replied to a tweet about LDR and some brazilian stans went wild.

    1 hour ago, Venice Peach said:

    Where did that people come from :thumb3: they are probably confused about the people following them


  6. On 11/19/2022 at 8:08 AM, blackpalmtrees said:

    If one wants to be considered an insider, aren’t they supposed to provide people with substantial information and not just acronyms. I don’t like this phaggotry egoism 





    If they say something too specific they’ll be unmasked when we find out that nothing that they said was real lol

  7. 5 minutes ago, NikoGo said:


    words can't describe how much i don't want this

    If she make up something good, it would be amazing– not innovative, for sure

    but if it’s bad, it’s going to be a shame since if you’re doing something as big as this, you have to choose every single word very carefully 


    i mean, i’d love to see a poem as an song title– as long it’s a good poem, bc it doesnt make sense to read a long ass title just to it be bad? No.

  8. When the Pawn Hits the Conflicts He Thinks like a King What He Knows Throws the Blows When He Goes to the Fight and He'll Win the Whole Thing 'fore He Enters the Ring There's No Body to Batter When Your Mind Is Your Might So When You Go Solo, You Hold Your Own Hand and Remember That Depth Is the Greatest of Heights and If You Know Where You Stand, Then You Know Where to Land and If You Fall It Won't Matter, Cuz You'll Know That You're Right

    our queen is her fiona apple era

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