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Posts posted by theworldspins

  1. 8 minutes ago, blackpalmtrees said:

    Im living for the tea but honestly this early teasing and spoiling is disrespectful to Lana. I hope Ben and the rest of the team go after his gay ass


    But i guess he rly needed this ego boost and all that ass kissing so he can feel important 



    I feel like he hasn't really spoiled anything.. my imagination is running even wilder now based off his descriptions

  2. those snippets sound like everything I've been hoping for out of this release.. I've been praying for the music to sound as dark and mysterious and ALIVE as the title Ocean Boulevard suggests.. a journey into the unknown, a venturing into the subconscious of a complicated woman, person, city.. the juxtaposition of personhood with nature.. a revelatory track that brings to light certain truths but remains enigmatic.. a triumphant reclamation.. a genesis of sound default_hair.gif

  3. 6 hours ago, brandon said:

    Oh i love that


    she said it’s MY day


    this reminds me of teases by insiders (whether true or not) about High By the Beach, which has a spoken portion at the end that discusses rebirth through an act of revenge:


    Anyone can start again

    Not through love, but through revenge

    Through the fire, we're born again

    Peace by vengeance, brings the end


    LDR9 seems to be Lana's reawakening, and I bet she'll lean heavily into a revenge narrative on the record default_xufTV.gif

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