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Posts posted by AtomicMess

  1. 14 hours ago, XCX Archivist said:

    thats rite werent you one of the people who bought the repress when it appeared in hungary or some shit?

    Ding ding. I saw it. I bought it. Didn't care if it was boot or leaky product (which we now know to be the case), I had to have it.

  2. On 5/19/2023 at 4:20 PM, XCX Archivist said:

    finally revisited true romance today for the first time in a while...its so good im so sorry i ever thought otherwise, ive been avoiding it cuz i could not get into it but it finally clicked for me today

    literally threw the record on the player last night after my party was over and just vibed to it while everyone staying late was sobering up and it was just a whole ass mood

  3. 14 hours ago, AzzyCxndy said:

    shortened to 2:15 

    I don't need the rest of the context to be mad. This fucking trend of "omg shorten the fuck outta shit for replays cause streaming unfgdfkjghkdsajhgakjsdsdf *jizzes in corporate bean counters who only get off on numbers*" is just pissing me off. Finish the damn song. Hit a 3 minute mark.

    I don't fucking wanna see the future keep moving back to fucking HitClips. 

  4. 21 minutes ago, Chorli Xbox said:

    can we all stop pretending after the afterparty is a good song from now on? :bebe:


    I like the Stargate remix.

  5. 12 hours ago, Kurt said:

    I actually saw this posted on another forum, idk if it’s real lossless tho




    3 hours ago, Glitter Boy said:

    I checked the Spek and it could be legit! But it could also be a good remaster - someone remastered the Problématique songs last year and I thought they were lossless :deadbanana: 


    I think I've seen this one before, and I've got a strong inclination that it's an upscale/remaster. Idk. Someone prove me wrong. Sounds a little muddled, still some artifacts in the highs to my ears (although it could just be the production) - the cymbals or hi-hats or whatever especially still sound like tin nails on a tin chalkboard rotating in a tin can. Nothing I couldn't EQ tweak on my own I suppose?


    Such is the fate we must suffer for dabbling in the enjoyment of unofficial material.

  6. 3 hours ago, LunaeManifestum said:

    They actually have the  Problematique songs in og lossless but they did that horrid remaster just to claim they have all the songs in hq.

    the user is in here tho :smokeney:

    Name them. Shame them. Be Problematique and leak OG Problematique files. Lets go.

  7. 3 hours ago, Veinsineon said:


    Whatever this emoji is, it's serving me at 3am when I decide to be drunk and do drag (badly).

    Anyway, someone find me Choker in lossless/320k pls/thanks.

  8. 6 minutes ago, evalionisameme said:

    some of the songs could have Marilyn Manson collabs too!

    If he wasn't an absolute shit gibbon as well, this would have been awesome.

  9. 41 minutes ago, xcxfan1 said:

    I used to avoid sucker but this album isnt even as bad as people on twitter used to act like it was.. its too nostalgic 

    It's like a 2.9 out of 5 for me. I don't hate it, but it doesn't shine like her other bodies of work for me. Caught in the Middle, Break the Rules, Doing It, Body of My Own, Famous - those are the ones that I roll with the most. The rest I'm kinda neutral on.



    36 minutes ago, XCX Archivist said:

    boom clap is the reason that any of us knows who she is dont lie

    I'd argue that the Fancy feature with Iggy might be a contender for the intro, honestly. I remember hearing that song WAY more on radio and it getting way more exposure than Boom Clap. Boom was big but at the same time I feel like it was a little bit of a flash in the pan by comparison? I feel like Fancy stuck around longer. Tumblr sad girls addicted to a tragic love story may have different opinions since it was a soundtrack song, but ymmv. Also I'm exempt from this statement as I've been a fan since TR days.

  10. 1 hour ago, evalionisameme said:

    It’s not just Hollywood, it happens all the time in real life

    That's the portion of the show I cut out from my initial reply - I have lived a interesting life, and seen and done some interesting things, and while I personally have not engaged with that kind of material, or content that is of a similar nature (very abusive), I know several people who have - watching it, producing it, and/or being the subjects filmed in it. In their cases, all participants were consensual (and I don't want to kink shame but also like?????), but regardless of all parties willing involvement - that kind of content/activity is still souring to my stomach, to put it nicely. I've gently put distance between myself and those folks because of it.

    I guess the point I wanted to make with all of that is that there are a LOT of folks. Like, a lot. That kind of content that depicts very violent/abusive acts? There's a lot out there. And a lot of people consume it. A lot. Like. A. Lot. And I've seen it/bumped against it firsthand. It's icky.

  11. On 5/13/2023 at 11:27 AM, xcxfan1 said:

    How the hell does he get off with watching.....

    I've been on a short hiatus and catching up; not to dredge up this topic too in depth, but a surprisingly large amount of people have absolutely messed up sexual tastes (recently, I think of Armie Hammer in conjunction with this). I think it takes a degree of sociopathy to stomach that content, and it takes a few more skill points allocated to actually get off on it.

    I feel like a lot of the noise about sex crimes and scandals that floats out of the entertainment world is so...surface level, though, at the same time. Like I think that there's worse things people have done and are doing. People are willing to look the other way and say whatever they've got to say in order to stay in the game and "make it big", and I think some of the nastier shit stays buried and well guarded by "the powers that be". I think a lot more actors and actresses and stars and musicians probably have skeletons in their closet dirtier than this; more than we realize, and I think it's hard for everyone to "keep their hands clean" when it comes to associating with people in Hollywood. There's always a "dirty link" somewhere in the chain. Our faves aren't immune. The judgement I guess comes from "what happens when it goes public", and how does our fave(s) react or not react?

    I wrote a whole long ass thesis and this was the best I could cut it down to.

  12. 12 hours ago, AzzyCxndy said:

    her inability to stick with an aesthetic for longer than five minutes is unparalleled

    Melanie: BPD Girl Anthems

    Marina: Polysci Major Music
    Charli: "Why are there toilets in the coke room?"
    Taylor: Horse Girls
    Lana: Sad Music for Sad Girls who sit on the balcony and smoke vape

    Kim: ADHD Brain Go BRRRRR

  13. On 5/13/2023 at 2:00 PM, howtobeaheartbreaker said:

    It's very interesting to hear the discourse about Marina being political in her music because it feels like most people mark it as a distinction that happened somewhere later into her career, but I felt like one of the things that astounded me about her sound back in the early 2010s was her outspokenness. For me personally, I think what's changed is that her lyrics feel so on the nose nowadays. Electra Heart is an explicitly feminist album, and TFJ is very critical of popular culture in the West (and how that affected coming of age of a millennial woman). It feels almost as if her life has ran out of the drama that fueled EH/TFJ, and she has to now draw upon those impersonal experiences in her songwriting to make vague statements about the human race and far away countries. FROOT was a good album, and L+F was kind of faceless, but both albums feel like she held back as a means to prove (perhaps to herself?) that she's no longer that crazy girl wearing the blonde wig, masquerading as a Stepford wife. Ancient Dreams on the other hand felt like an attempt to recapture the drama of her earlier career, though that felt very transparent and it didn't quite meet those expectations. I think that the best thing for Marina to do is surround herself with interesting people and experience life at its fullest, and that's when we'll get music that reaches her early days. I truly believe that Marina's career could re-peak again, but that's up to her. She's seemed to have settled down, so I'm expecting the best we'll get is a cute bop on a mid album here and there. That's fine. After the pain she went through that fueled TFJ/EH, I don't blame her for safeguarding herself. Though sometimes I do fear her insecurities have burnt bridges (cc: familiar FROOT)...

    Fully agree with this take.

  14. On 5/10/2023 at 12:27 PM, rancidgirl said:





    Sky wishes she had the power and aura of Courtney Love.

  15. 33 minutes ago, kuntsugi said:

    oop u got me there sister 

    Dropping all pretense, I hope I don't *actually* come off as coming for anyone, anywhere, ever, with any of my opinions or shade. This shit's all subjective. Art decorates space and music decorates time and I'm just here for the meme. :hooker:

  16. On 5/9/2023 at 4:52 PM, kuntsugi said:

    you would thought they learned their lesson after flop starts now, crapnuts, if kim is a flopster and farrrrt, yet here we are. this label WON'T learn. it will only get more and more generic and worse with every single that flops until she either gets a hit or get to such a critical point with flopping that they drop her (mind you this could take 5-ish years of false starts and career destruction until they decide to drop her)


    No meme - I wonder if it's intentional??? Lowkey sabotage? Idk.

  17. 4 minutes ago, kuntsugi said:

    you could've just said she makes immemorable music lmao which is kinda true ngl… i like her doe don't come for me!


    I could, but I had to elevate the conversation with high brow shade.

  18. 11 minutes ago, Taco Truck Bitch said:

    it's just so overwhelming

    It really is. I've spent way more hours than I care to admit on it - the sorting, renaming, organizing into albums, making sure I've got the best quality versions/edits that exist... I've gotten lazy recently and I just dump all the leaks and unreleased into a single 'album' and let it be.

    I've said it before, but the sheer volume of material of hers that is out there (that we know of) is wild. Quantity isn't an indicator of quality, at all, so just because she's made a lot doesn't de facto mean it's all good, but....for unreleased and scrapped content, I'm still taken a bit aback by how polished a lot of it is.


    It's made harder to get ahold of and organize imo because of the range she's displayed from silly throwaway low IQ pop, to highly emotional and personal songs, and she's done it across a variety of different genres and styles/production to boot - Trying to organize it all cohesively is just a chore.

  19. 6 hours ago, lonely lonely night said:

    this woman has parasocially abused me


    Same. I'm calling a lawyer. Can we class action her into releasing the album? Cite unrelenting psychological distress and gaslighting?

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