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About AtomicMess

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    burning your crops

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  1. but not before gaslighting people in your life just a 'lil
  2. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    Marketing classes are going to be studying sans serif font on green background square after this for fucking sure. This shit went from dividing the fandom squarely into two camps of "it's so ironic I love it" and "it's fucking horrifyingly ugly", to becoming an initial meme where anything neon green = the album. Now it's Digivolved turned into this aggressively opaque and dadaist concept where anything can just be 'so brat' if it's unexpected or vaguely feminine or edgy or out of the norm or totally in-the-norm but only if it's done with an attitude or if it's just giving green, even if it's not exactly green but it just feels like it should be green so we just roll with it, or if it's giving like spoiled rich kid at the club with an 8 ball and a dimebag ready to go, but at the same time it's also giving country club pool with big hat and sunglasses and a Voss. Hot girl smoking a cigarette? So French, so chic. BRAT. Lime green car? Cunty. BRAT. Hot take on a podcast? So bold, so BRAT. Show up to work 17.3 minutes late with an iced coffee? Casual disdain for punctuality and consequences. BRAT. Don't put the weights back at the gym? Rebel against common decency. BRAT. Straight edge sober trip sitter for all the hippies at the local k-hole basement? Maternal. BRAT. Empty roll of toilet paper? How dare that little cylinder starve your hole for cleanliness. BRAT. Summer indie music festival attendee? Be part of that zeitgeist. BRAT. Major political party figurehead drops out of a race and you take their place? So unexpected, but also logical. BRAT.
  3. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    I can't tell you where or I'll get zapped, but the USB files and a HQ vinyl rip of the 7" of B2b/CC were put out there, in a few places, and I may or may not have had a hand in it. You'll have to look a little.
  4. AtomicMess

    Azealia Banks

    Oop. She discovered bitches uploading unreleased + leaks as Podcasts on Spotify (why do crackheads do that shit?) Time for another 761581672538 Instagram rant story now.
  5. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    I'd like to take a second here to highlight that it's not just Reddit. Something I've seen in stan discourse constantly is that people will point to Reddit, or Discord, or Twitter, or sites like Lanaboards, and strum this chord of "Oh, well, those fans over there...." and try to create this distance and distinction, when....a lot of the same people are in the same spots and places, having the same conversations. I'm here. I'm also on Reddit. I'm also in the Discord. I'm also on Twitter. One site or place might spark the conversation first, sure, but the discourse eventually ends up in all corners. The conversation might be shaped a little different due to each site or medium's formatting and method of facilitation, but in the case of the Charli Reddit - I don't see any conversations happening there or opinions shared that also aren't paralleling some peoples thoughts here.
  6. My thoughts exactly. Personally, I think whatever the retirement age is should be the cutoff. If you would be 67 or older on your first day in office (house, senate, president, whatever), you're ineligible to run.
  7. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    F'real on all this. 'Cancel Culture' is really just applied peer pressure. "Oh, this person is bad? Let's go through every single person in their orbit and make them guilty by association, too! If we can't do anything about this person or make them change on a dime immediately, let's hit every possible target around them instead! They'll either end up isolated and ousted because nobody will want to be around them (but is it because people around them genuinely don't want to be associated or support something bad? Or is it that they just don't want to have their socials flooded with annoying noise from someone else?), or we'll get them to change because of peer pressure! (but did they really change? Or did they just decide to hide their behavior and take the shit to private channels of communication instead?)" That being said though.... (here's where I waffle a bit) This. Dame Charlotte Xboxington haaaaassss had some shady, shiesty, objectively morally-not-that-great people in her orbit from time to time. At some point a line does need to be drawn. I'm very much one of those "art from the artist" separators myself....to a point.
  8. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    Poor? Dismissed. Inherited wealth? Dismissed? Middle class rise up! It's our time to shine!
  9. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    The way I SCREAMED
  10. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    I try my hardest to suppress the violence within me but this ever happening would unleash it. Pls god no.
  11. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    I haven't checked in, in weeks. Did I miss anything good?
  12. AtomicMess

    Azealia Banks

    Oh. https://x.com/ThePopTingz/status/1809237371570766103 It's giving Broke with Expensive Taste alright.....
  13. Whoever that person is needs to not be a fuckin square and drop the track right now before I have my agents (local meth head) invade their house and upload it for me (steal their valuables to buy more meth)
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