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Everything posted by Morningcrow

  1. If we get a surprise drop on Friday we may beat the lazy leakers and have our shared experience after all
  2. I haven't heard most of the songs, but feel like I know every word and every note to every other track. I need some mystery, but...??
  3. There's a rumored twitter leak and if it turns out to be real, @jackritchiexo promised he'd share...he's looking into it i guess
  4. YES! If we're feeling this way now, I can't wait till we have more than just a taste of Taco Truck x vb, Peppers, Kintsugi...
  5. Or I don't know, Ben & Ed could help a girl out. Do they even mention stuff to her like the "turn off" the tour post? Maybe they do and she doesn't care.
  6. We're gonna play our show and then ""turn off the rest of your shows"
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