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Posts posted by Morningcrow

  1. 17 minutes ago, yassgrenade said:

    ok so this is gonna sound a little off topic at first but i promise i’ll circle back around to the album. it connects, i swear.

     i remember every single lana album release since honeymoon. hell, i even remember where i was when i heard each individual ldr song since then. that was 7-8 years ago. i remember lana being my escape for when my mental health was in shambles (which was constantly, to be honest). but recently, i’ve really been putting in the work to help myself and my mental health to surprisingly successful results. and for the first time in a while, i feel genuinely content and happy. that’s why im so so excited for this new album from lana. it feels like for the first time i’ll be listening to one of her albums as if i were meeting an old friend, rather than escaping my mind. i feel like she’s been with me since i was a kid, and it’s just so damn exciting to be getting this new album at such a good time in my life (mentally, at least). i know that things may feel rough right now for any given person, but i want to offer my love and support for anyone who might not be feeling the best. we’ve all been there at one point or another, and i know you’re probably sick of hearing this, but it DOES get better. i promise. it just takes a lot of time, work, and sometimes just a sliver of hope. i love you guys, and im so excited to experience this record with you guys next month. much love, (and sorry for the extra long and extra corny post), yassgrenade. <3


    This was a good last post of the day to read. Thank you and good night!

  2. 4 minutes ago, mssainttropez said:

    Are we sure that it wasn’t supposed to be found ? The username and verification makes it easy to find, especially with a lot of Lana’s team following it.


    At the very least, they underestimated us. Surely they knew it could\would be recommended, but maybe it didn't cross their mind that any of them were personally followed by a group of savvy and hungry Lana fans

  3. 23 minutes ago, mssainttropez said:

    We honestly have gained a lot of new information over the last few weeks. We have the title track, a release date, a new Instagram account, the tracklist along with production credits, lyric leaks, she’s headlining two shows, we know we’re getting a Billboard shoot, she’s getting a visionary award, etc. I’m impatient as well, but I’m so grateful for all the information we’ve learned in such a short period of time ♡ 


    True! I know I wouldn't have made it this far without our insiders, Dec. 7th feels like forever ago.

  4. 30 minutes ago, taco truck said:

    Jack is also credited as producer on the Tommy song which is such a weird combo😭 this might be the track I’m most interested to hear


    This. I think this album is going to be full of contradictions that just shouldn't work, but that's where the sparks are going to fly, those are the parts we're going to remember.

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