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Yameena Khatri

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Everything posted by Yameena Khatri

  1. Looking at the stage design with balconies and all, this would eat if she choreograph the entire show like a theater play.
  2. Sounds controversial, but I had a thought of lana enacting a holy week procession as Virgin Mary like in Malena.
  3. The Billie tracklist looks familiar. 4 songs with Lana's song titles.
  4. A very likely scenario is that her reworking an unreleased song from NFR - OB era for Lasso. Then the demo of it leaks and everyone hates the released version.
  5. I'm praying to God the album is neither hillbilly nor bro-country also istg if she starts yapping about Jenny jumping into the pool again..
  6. OB cover has such a classic album look to it and we can tell she really put time and thought curating the visuals despite it looking pretty simple. Such a shame we only got one MV.
  7. Me coming back to this thread every 2 days
  8. I'd love to see animals on the cover. Anything but just horses please.
  9. I might have said this many times before. But I'm manifesting majestic, horns & wind instruments for this one ✨
  10. I think we already have more than enough
  11. Hoping Rick to be a part of this album. Been seeing his comments on lana fanpages more often than my mother.
  12. Flip the months and start the countdown from September 2024. We all know how she moves.
  13. Randomly remembered this picture and the jacket that guy is wearing. Also AFFA chorus rang in my head. Is she affiliated with Hells Angels?
  14. THIS! I know lfl is overhated in this forum but it's the most expensive sounding album she ever made. It's so crisp and I need that quality for this album.
  15. I remember how everyone was so confused when she had that 'Bible Belt' tour last year. She was spreading the gospel ahead of the arrival of LASSO. Truly a mastermind.
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