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Posts posted by jamesss

  1. holy shit guys. i found the best upcoming local indie band the other day. i saw them live FOR FREE. sweet release is an indie rock band based in chico CA (where i live), and they released two songs on spotify so far, with more to come!!!!!!!!!!!! listen to “the car” and “blossom” by them on spotify PLEASE it’s so worth it i promise. it’s crazy fucking good. 




  2. On 4/4/2024 at 9:06 AM, Beautiful Loser said:

    Why I’m not feeling this:

    - The psychedelic inspiration doesn’t necessarily match with the contents of the albums, to me. The messages in the songs are so wholesome, so personal… The only psych vibes I get are from peppers and taco truck.

    - I somehow never really fell in love with the drawings, so I wouldn’t want one of them to be on the cover art

    - No new additions doesn’t motivate me to get another copy of this album (I have two I’m already very happy with)

    - It honestly feels like a cash grab for Coachella


    The colors are cute, I don’t hate orange, it’s a pretty color, but who knows if the picture is close to the real thing. The pink turned out to be more purple, remember? I can understand if you want one if you’re a collector though.

    if it’s a cash grab for coachella, it’s working bc i bought a copy within minutes of the presale being announced 

  3. 1 hour ago, Break Me Down said:

    the 8000000 posts on her story about Suburban House.. yall that fuckass song

    its literally godsend???? its angelical??? suburban house is so camp you have no idea what ur talking abt 

  4. 5 minutes ago, evalionisameme said:

    I must admit I do find it a bit strange that she wouldn’t telephone in for any of her interviews- I mean- does everything have to be emailed across?


    2 minutes ago, evalionisameme said:

    And I still find it odd that she’s managed by the sex offender 

    why so cynical 

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