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honeymoon is alive

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Everything posted by honeymoon is alive

  1. we got over really fast about lana acknowledging uv era on her last post.
  2. hi bestie i love that you're so delusional as we are
  3. i love the little text she posted this day and the reference to her honeymoon hair
  4. ben already reached her and she has to pretend nothing happened for the sake of her life
  5. and that's why mike dean is the producer of ldr9 HERE WE GO honey, get over it
  6. let's not act like jack put a gun on their heads, they did what they wanted to do
  7. here we go again you guys blaming the producers and not lana
  8. YES one thing i love about violet it's the beautiful titles on it
  9. agreed. when it has so many songs you end up not listening to a huge part of them, 12 songs may sound small but it's perfect for me
  10. if the album has tropical coconut song vibes we're getting wayamaya BYE.
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