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Everything posted by Lanaparadiserey

  1. I always love what Lana does tbh. I will love this album but it is just a matter of how much will I listen to it after a few months.
  2. I literally cannot believe we are going to have a full new album of work in a few months, this is going to be amazing
  3. Do we think we are getting anything on New Years??? I feel like she might give us a little snippet of a song or video
  4. Does anyone remember what BoZ said about Sweet? I know it wasn’t that much but I can’t remember
  5. Wait so is Jon Batiste not a producer on the album? I know there were rumors of him being a producer. But since he isn’t listed under producers and only features he can’t be a producer
  6. Im just saying that it is coming from multiple people that it is a good album. People with different taste. It doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll be your top 3, but it is promising It isn’t official that LDR 9 is the masterpiece he was talking about. All he said was it was a really great record.
  7. I literally am so confused about how a person on Lana Boards could not be excited for this album. We have heard from multiple sources that this will be a top 3 album with lots of variety yet some people are still hating and saying it’ll be another piano ballet album…like I don’t get it lol.
  8. We are so bored here lol. Can Neil give her a a new pic or can we find a new song title? Like it is so boring here we have turned to fights-
  9. Courtney Love definitely has a Lana Boards account and is seeing us talk shit about her right now😭
  10. Also cohesive doesn’t equal amazing music. COCC is beautiful but it blends together and can feel uneventful
  11. I agree. I never said it wasn’t cohesive. I literally repeated what Lana said in an interview Exactly, COCC just feels like it is missing a little something. It isn’t bad or non-cohesive
  12. I feel like this is going to be another NFR! situation. She said from early on she knew what she wanted that record to be like, I think it showed. It was so cohesive and beautiful. The interview from May very much reflects what we heard in the first single and what insiders have said. I think it when someone knows what they are going for, the music always turns out better. Like with Chemtrails, she said that she didn’t feel like she had gotten where she wanted to and I think it reflected in the final product (even though I love COCC).
  13. Tbh I feel like after the robbery, she didn’t let it stop her and kept working on getting this album out. Once this album is out, I think she might start recovering the pieces of the lost poetry book and working on getting that out
  14. I could see a NFR! than White Hot Forever situation. White Hot Forever was supposed to be released like a year after NFR! Obviously that didn’t actually happen given White Hot Forever turned into Chemtrails and came out 2 years later lol. But I really want to see it happen after this album
  15. Question, how many signed CDs does Lana usually do and how fast do they usually sell out? And when do we think they will go on sale?
  16. I’m glad we got feed these last few days but now I’m ready to get back to the album. Someone said today that we should expect another single with a possible music video. I really hope we get a beautiful high budget music video for this era or at least a beautiful homemade one like the Honeymoon title track or the Ultraviolence music video
  17. Question, how many singed CDs does Lana normally do and how quick do they sell out?
  18. Merry Christmas/happy holidays hoes. I just opened coke bottle clear LFL😭
  19. @fl0r1dakil0s how much more unreleased material do you have? Just curious👀
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