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Everything posted by heavensentslut

  1. thank youuuuuuuuuuu p.s. your a dreamer you like to dream a lot!
  2. i want her to remaster her old eps so badddddddd like castles remastered needs to happen
  3. i think ghost in the machine is the one I'm going to replay the most.
  4. right, i think it might be my favorite, besides a few others.
  5. 7.5/10 she tried i guess maybe it'll be a grower idk
  6. COCC feels longer than it is, but it's sonically stuck to me, making listening difficult.
  7. awww f2f is so cute good 4 ha
  8. im on gone girl and so i far i have liked everything except low and love language used is kinda cute but weird with the feature idk
  9. justice 4 tender like she's so sinister for still having that unreleased
  10. this is so random because the album just came out but does anybody know some songs that leaked that were supposed to be on "A"? and some more recent scraps just trying to make some fanmade comps
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