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Posts posted by takeyourselftosleep

  1. god I love this song, it sounds like the witchy suspiria seance coven aesthetic that lust for life was originally going for. fucking inject this shit into my veins mami im so ready... imagine this is track 1 on the new album, like this is the slow build-up intro

  2. Just now, ColaGoneWild said:

    That's how I read it low key . Not from Taylor but the maybe not so nice people who plan these type of events ...


    Idk, if that recent excerpt from the Grammy voter was indicative of how the industry feels about her, moments like this can only work in Lana's favour: having the winner of the night drag her up on stage and say "Hello??? Guys, she deserves an award!" It's one thing to have these crusty old nobodies ignoring Lana's work, it's another to have the person THEY vote for drag Lana up on stage and acknowledge her.

    Even though Lana looked upset and didn't want to get up there, I'm glad Taylor did that.

  3. Not obsessed with country but I really like the Henry Come On snippet, also the "Hey Blue Baby" song she sung live with Jack a few years ago, and I absolute LOVED that one "all my friends say my life's like a bad country song", so I have faith it will be good. I mean there's different styles of country and she doesn't necessarily have to be yee-hawing all over the track... like Chemtrails has strong country vibes and I like a lot of those songs. My concern is that Lana is at her best when she infuses her art with a bit of edginess and I feel like country is always very simple and sincere and doesn't really allow for that ethereal/strange 'twin peaks' kinda vibe that Lana taps into.


    Just please Lana give us good visuals, especially if the music is stripped back and minimal we need Ocean Blvd level production on the cover to bring it to life. Also Country Road was cute but it's not an album track girl.


    These are my demands requests.

  4. 2 minutes ago, la otra mujer said:

    A&W would b iconic tbh. cuz she could start slow and like a ballad, then in the Jimmy part get fucking wild :scream: or get more energetic with dancers and stuff, cuz Lana's not that crazy on stage :isee:

    trueee - the first half would be a welcome moment of stillness in this chaotic show

  5. which song from OB would be the biggest hit on this stage tonight? based on the other performances of the night id probably say peppers BUT I would love to see her perform The Grants

  6. 1. make the show 90mins

    2. have 3-5 high budget, spectacular live performances from the nominees

    3. have a reaction feed to the celebrities in the audience in the bottom corner of the screen

    4. give the hosts some form of basic, entry-level media training

    5. put sponsor logos on screen and on set so you can reduce the ad-reels

    6. include people we've heard of before

  7. 4 minutes ago, la otra mujer said:

    this has been the most boring awards show I have ever seen. no performance has been iconic, no controversy.... what happened to fun and creativity? every time I understand why Lana doesn't go to these things. i miss 2010, we need risky celebrities fr


    feel sorry for zoomers who will never know the cultural significance that these types of shows once had

  8. 1 minute ago, SoftwareUpgrade said:

    My greatest fear- please give it to Lana she is culturally relevant online atm :thumb3: I know she didn't show but give HER MERCY


    she probably didn't win it and thats why she didn't show up. wouldn't be surprised if the artists learn beforehand tbh, these shows are more about PR campaigns and promo than anything else

  9. First time back here since DYKTTATUOB dropped. Soz I’ve been in the tunnel listening this whole time.


    why is everyone fighting 😭


    who wants to give me a rundown of what we know about the next one? Do we know anything?


    I hope Jack is doing it, don’t @ me. My biggest hope is that she continues going down this weird and alternative route of A&W (ok I love the second half but the first half is easily in her top 5 songs of all time) and stunning wordy epics like fingertips. My only slight criticism of the last album (which I consider her best) is that it felt a little fractured with the different genres, and I’d have loved if there was something that tied the Peppers and the Sweet’s together a bit more.


    I have faith she’s going to continue to improve and don’t ultimately care what direction she takes her next project because I’ll rearrange my personality / taste to like it, idfc, she’s worth it xx

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