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Posts posted by takeyourselftosleep

  1. the way she says 


    take you home, I'll give you a blanket so your spirit can sit and watch tv by my side

    actually gives me chills. fingertips is now my favourite song from the album, and I didn't even like it the first time I heard it. completely flawed.


    alsoooo does this board die off after the album comes out? because its been great wasting hours of my life browsing this thread instead of working for the past month...

  2. 3 minutes ago, rosemead ramada said:

    Listen to dolby stems at 17:45

    Where she's saying "cop" it's clearly just censored in the song, and when you listen to all the layers together, it's like there's a "Shhh!" and some sound effect over the censored part

    She's clearly censoring a word there, and we know its "cop".... "Got a [shhh!]" very easily sounds like "God's a ch..."


    nice, ok you've convinced me. what does 'who turned down the back beat' mean?

  3. 16 minutes ago, American Whore said:


    Are those not misheard lyrics though? She clarified in the Tiktok that it's "Got a cop who turned down the back beat" just like how the lyrics in Get Free are "For Amy & for Whitney", she censors it to being "For ___ and for ___" but it doesn't add random lyrics there. Of course, you could argue that she's singing the original lyrics, because she then sings "Like I'm invisible, you should've told me" which isn't in the final track. But "God's a charlatan down the back beat" doesn't make sense 


    That's it, that's all I wanted to say


    you could very well be right, idk. on TikTok it did sound like she was singing that, but other things she sang in that same video were clearly different to the finished song, and people came to the conclusion that this was recorded while driving around, still writing the song, and that she posted it to give us clues as to what the song was about before refining the lyrics.

    I just listened to the song again and it really does sound like she says 'gods a charlatan, dont look back babe' which is what it says on Apple Music, but yeah I guess it could be wrong.

  4. Just now, sadness is a butterfly said:


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    Couldn’t agree more but for the intro makes it even better for me? It’s camp. 

    Also something about hearing the chorus, and then kinda being strung along for a bit….then the piano comes in. I like the delayed gratification of it all:oprah3: 




    ok calling something I don't like camp is an instant way to make me suddenly like it lol. and I kinda agree about the delayed gratification thing too, I intuitively feel that when I listen to the track, that having those women sing the chorus before the song starts makes the first chorus sound more beautiful and warm.

    ok wow im an intro truther now thx



  5. 1 minute ago, Fingertips said:
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    My pastor told me when you leave all you take is your memories, and I'm gonna take mine of you with me


    This album truly contains some of Lana's most touching lyricism to date, I feel this music in my soul :icant::hair:




    and that line also serves as an answer to the previous line, which is a question: "do you think about heaven? do you think about me?"

    its like she's asking this person if he ever thinks about dying and, if so, does he picture her with him in heaven?

    and then goes on to say 'because I'm going to take you with me"

    its incredibly powerful lyricism


    the only thing stopping this track from being a 10 for me is that intro.....



  6. 8 minutes ago, Im a ghost now said:

    For me, Judah Smith - Candy Necklace - Jon Batiste are the most intriguing songs on the record, because like, how is that supposed to work?? But, at the same time, Lana has an artistic vision and we'll only understand it when we listen to the album in full. I don't think it's neither fundamentalist christian nor making fun of the pastor (I assume he listened to the track or at least knows he's being featured on the album), and I'm sure it will make sense eventually. 





    well said

  7. 4 minutes ago, Sportscruiser said:


    I’m actually excited for the track. I just think it’s perfectly understandable if some people don’t vibe with it and if religious content is something that triggers them, then that’s perfectly valid  :candy: idk about anyone else but I never said Lana shouldn’t do this or that or that people should question her decision to include a sermon in her album - I don’t understand where these combative answers are coming from lol.


    no offence dude but you're literally the only one being combative.

    I wrote that art should be challenging, you said "thats all fine and dandy that you dont care but other people might" so I said "then don't listen."
    and then you called me a horn tooter coming out of the woodwork???? lol


    ANYWAY - I dont want to argue with strangers on the internet, lets agree to disagree, and not name call while we're at it.


  8. 1 minute ago, imaginist said:

    This is what I’m really really hoping for. Imagine Sirens and AKA re-release PLUS an unreleased compilation. I would simply die 

    I'd literally die. but also, and I know this is controversial, but I'd want her to have it all mixed and mastered again and with additional elements to make it sounds more like contemporary lana (without changing the tracks too much.) 

  9. 1 minute ago, imaginist said:

    I don’t understand this lol, I feel like this could be the biggest hint, but what could “they” have done wrong in the past compared to this time around? I feel like it has to be something we’ve been begging for the last few eras 


    its gotta be them putting out her unreleased stuff, right? What they were doing wrong was not monetising all that music which was blowing up on TikTok. and also the fans really want it, and lana has actually said she wants to put it all out at some point

  10. Just now, Crimson and Clover said:
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    holy FUCK I love the judah smith interlude snippet so much. it's so unsettling. and Judah saying why are you so infatuated with me? makes me think this is an abnormal type of sermon. it is SO creepy. i have high hopes for this 



    already went from my least excited to most excited track lol

  11. 11 minutes ago, gothphetamine said:

    As a Christian (not evangelical or anything - Episcopal, and very progressive), I 100% agree on your point that art should be challenging. It’s the same as the 

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    “regrettably I’m a white woman”

    lyric that we were discussing last week. It’s nice when music, and art more broadly, is comforting and pleasant and we don’t need to think too much about it. It’s exhausting to constantly be challenging yourself and critically thinking about every form of media you consume. But at the same time, it’s almost downright dangerous to only listen to/watch/read things that you 100% agree with. Plus, it’s so boring! I love reading lyrics, poems, and novels with complex and often disagreeable themes. And that’s what I love about Lana: she doesn’t shy away from those challenging topics and ideas. She’s very philosophical, and I know that doesn’t appeal to everyone. But she also has plenty of more lighthearted (and amazing!) songs if you just cba with all that, and that’s definitely the case on DYK (for example, side D). There’s something for everyone, and always something interesting to discuss


    and to add to this, I dont think any artist should have to apologise or back away from their religious or philosophical leanings. just because im an atheist doesn't mean I can't handle or dont celebrate lana including a sermon (assuming it's not subverted but just a literal copy-paste job) because I can scratch under the surface and tease out what she's getting at, and ask myself what purpose the religious element serves in her work more broadly. and its only through this kind of engagement that ive come to be more accepting of different people's faiths, which speaks to your point that art should challenge our beliefs - not always, not every time - but sometimes.


    3 minutes ago, Sportscruiser said:


    It’s all fine and dandy that you, as an atheist, don’t care but there are people who might.


    then dont listen.

  12. 10 minutes ago, Sportscruiser said:


    Oh, alright. In that case and until proven otherwise, religious content that goes as far as treating a preacher as a feature makes me uncomfortable and it’s not far-fetched to imagine that happening to queer people in general for obvious reasons. We actually have no way of knowing (yet) what’s her intention behind this interlude but I sincerely hope there’s a bite to it.


    its pretty unlikely that lana is literally putting a sermon from some preacher onto her album without some level of subversion, and to be honest even if she did, who cares. there's a difference between lana endorsing something and lana portraying something, and as a gay person who is staunchly atheist, im 100% here to listen to whatever lana wants to throw at me. art should be challenging.

    furthermore we can hear from the high quality snippet that just leaked and the full low quality tagged version that


    there is a lot of disturbing, ominous sounds playing over the top, and we can hear lana giggling and mocking him in the clip too,

    and it comes right after A&W where she talks about god being a charlatan and not needing to be loved anymore; I think it's safe to say there's a strong artistic statement being made here. but agree, we should wait to hear the full track before we pass judgement, im merely speaking to those who are constantly on here worrying that she's going to trigger them because she's including religious content in her album.

  13. people that have heard the album: do the words 'ring a bell' and 'psycho lifeguard' appear anywhere in the lyrics? I can't understand why she originally had this in the extended album title, unless there's more tracks that didn't make the cut with those titles (but also, that's quite convenient, right? that the other 3-4 tracks in the title all ended up on the cutting room floor?)

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