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Posts posted by takeyourselftosleep

  1. the fact I could've been streaming her new song that ive been obsessing over for a month in only a few days, but instead I raced to THAT dirty website and downloaded the leak weeks ago and listened to it so many times im already kinda over it...I really did this to myself.



    why the hell would she release the grants as a single, the song is incredible but its not single material, who the hell is going to listen to that 45 second intro...


  2. 9 minutes ago, ByDayAnother said:

    in fairness you can hear this across albums quite clearly - I personally think it is intentional, and I’ve grown to love it. You really get the sense that you’re listening to what were real moments - her signing into a microphone, someone out there signing her song for us, not this disembodied voice (though that can have its magic too.)


    mind you, I think this is why I love Blue Bansoeters - it’s so sketchy and playful and unself-conscious.


    I don't entirely disagree, but I would argue the imperfections need to be contextualised (for example, if the album was about her imperfections, to give a cliche example) otherwise I think we're reading way too much into it assuming the sloppy sound engineering is intentional. For people that don't know what I mean, listen to the breath after the words "my daddy had one too" at 3:24 in text book; they've clearly clipped her breath half way through and its so jarring. the album is fullllll of this stuff. (Edit: and as someone who makes my own music, it's soooo easy to fix these little issues and I cannot fathom how they were overlooked.)


    However I do agree with you in that I can imbue the album with meaning (that wasn't intended) that makes me like it more, eg. the imperfections reflect where she was at.


    Anyway there are some gems on the album so I don't wanna be a hater...just making the point that its by far her worst.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Anita Malfatti said:

    listening to blue banisters instrumentals rn, hurts me to say it but it is a bad album, lana's fisrt bad work imo; hope this one is better

    there are moments of gold on the album but its definitely her worst. not to mention how sloppily her vocal stems are edited; you can literally hear when they clip her vocals mid-breath which bothers the hell out of me. and the choice to not autotune the second verse of Arcadia. I just.....LOVE lana and never say negative stuff about her but this was an objectively average album. thankfully it seems she's back on track with Ocean Blvd.

  4. 1 minute ago, American Whore said:

    what i'm wondering is if these people bought the album off of someone for like $500 or something stupid to have it 3 weeks or so early so they're just posting snippets so they don't "lose" anything on it? but like in 2 weeks it'll be out so.... lol otherwise they're friends with someone who got their hands on it early. 

    just because they're posting snippets and nothing in full, i hope they did in fact buy it so they lose whatever they spent on it when it drops in two weeks. good luck getting your money back. bitch.


    I think they're posting snippets for no other reason than having a sense of power. its the same reason bozo loves to say "omg guys something huge is coming soon" and then just not respond when everyone freaks out; they love posting something and seeing everyone lose their minds / give them attention. the vengeful twink on THAT website knows once he posts the whole song he will have no power left to exert over Lana's fans.

  5. At midnight, a double music video for Peppers and Taco Truck x VB will drop on Youtube, triggering the woke crowd for her 'cultural appropriation' and the conservative crowd for 'overt displays of sexuality' and the entire internet will erupt in conversation, it will be the first video to reach 10 billion views in 5 days and Miley's people will be so distraught they will pull her album from shelves and remove it from streaming and delay the release for June 1st. Lana will be in her lane because their interest really made stacks for her.


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