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Posts posted by takeyourselftosleep

  1. part of why she released two albums in a year is because she didn't want to promote blue bannisters and so it made sense for the album to just piggyback off COTC's promo. I can't see her doing that right now because Ocean Blvd has a full promotional campaign behind it and it just doesn't make sense to announce another album two weeks before this one releases; its just messy and would confuse people. so I really don't know what to expect tbh

  2. 5 minutes ago, Crimson and Clover said:
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    lowkey i just listened to the third snippet of taco truck and it does sound fake…:bebe: either way that part of Venice bitch is the best part so I won either way  


    the third snippet is fake af but the 4th one (which is only 5 sec long) is def real and sounds so good. there's so much going on in the instrumentation that the low quality snippets didn't pick up

  3. 14 minutes ago, tulsa jesus freaks said:

    cause most of them are not "insiders" like BOZ, some of these people are people who are friends who got the album, so they get to hear it first and go on the internet to brag about it so that they can get their 15 min of fame cause like you said, they're miserable



    its not even fame because no one knows who they are. its literally just attention and they're making the most of it because in a couple weeks no one will want/need anything from them again.

  4. 2 minutes ago, taco truck said:
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    Wow that snippet made realize just how muffled and lq those first snippets were:crai: the production on this snippet sounds sooooooo tropical 


    it sounds incredible, and your comment is why it's such a terrible idea to listen to these low quality leaks... if only I had the self control.

    when A&W came out I spent an hour researching the pros and cons of spatial audio to make sure I had the best experience and yet here I am obsessing over fuzzy, tagged snippets

  5. 4 minutes ago, TacoBeach said:

    anyone else seen the tiktok about lana posting a album called Kalmia on some platform then deleting it 2 minutes after? 


    Just watched the video. The most likely situation is that someone uploaded an album with her name and it got added to her library; this happens all the time. When the appropriate people realised this they likely deleted it 12 minutes later

  6. Spoiler

    Happy to report that after repeated attempts Fingertips finally just clicked for me and it's soooo beautiful. My only remaining criticism is that it's so hard to understand her - idk if this is a mixing problem, or in her delivery, but without reading the lyrics I had no idea what she was saying, and I think that's a bad choice for a song that is so reliant on lyrics to convey meaning.


  7. Spoiler

    I need to hear Taco Truck in HQ right now. That fuzzy bass in the instrumental is sooooo gooooooood. Also the third snippet sounds fake to me? Does anyone else think this? I'm very curious how the song will integrate VB; it'll have to be quite significant to earn a place in the song's title. idk how I'm going to last several weeks until this album comes out, I don't want to ruin the experience by listening to these ridiculously low, tagged snippets but I literally have negative impulse control when it comes to Lana.


  8. we're so lucky that she's not only maintained a consistent stream of work over the past decade but that she's continually evolving and improving as an artist (with the exception of BB, ily girl but you're the ugly duckling xx) I really hope she continues to garner respect and maybe even get AOTY for Ocean Blvd, but I'm not holding my breath.



    Also before the Ritalin wears off I need to say... I think The Grants is evidence of her really doing the work on herself and finding happiness and inner peace. After her laptop was stolen, she said on the livestream "even if all I have left is my innermost thoughts..." because not only has she been commodified/made fun of and unfairly criticised for years, she's also had her house broken into, dealt with stalkers and had her property/poetry book/video camera stolen etc

    To me, this song is her saying "well, I still have my innermost thoughts, and that's what I'm taking with me; the memory of my sisters first born child, my grandmother, etc etc."


    Ok thats all, my boss is hassling me, bye.



  9. 3 minutes ago, DidYouKnowImANFRStan said:

    Can someone who has listened to the leaks tell me if Lana takes up the voice resource again like at the end of Ocean Blvd with "Don't Forget Me", that literally makes my hair stand on end every time I hear it and I would like to hear it again with another song



    yeah The Grants has the same backing vocalists, even more prominent, and the last minute or so really swells in a similar way, even more intensely. It's really one of her best songs ever tbhhhhh.


  10. 13 minutes ago, SalvaWHORE said:

    lmaoo not these fake woke ass people who dont have anything else to do so they have to focus on a woman's accent meanwhile there are literally other things to care about in the world.


    and that person who wrote "her wearing a mesh mask tell me everything i need to know abt her as a person..." girl shut the fuck up u dont know shit :willcut:


    LOL that there are latin people in there being like "we celebrate it!" and are getting downvoted. Like excuse us, we're trying to be offended on your behalf!

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