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Blue Ribbon

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Everything posted by Blue Ribbon

  1. The Love Seller Seeking Places Moon Ring Beautiful Illusion
  2. For K Part 2 - 2023 Version I like the way you wear you sweater off your shoulder The way you walk outside makes you look older (?) [Idk what she's saying] Oooh-oooh I like the way you walk I like the way you talk [Idk what she's saying] I, how'd you get so handsome, my boy? Pretty baby Pretty baby Pretty baby (Ok, just match this one for Pretty Baby) Pretty baby, duh-uh Pretty baby
  3. I mean it definitely might be an important song to her, considering she used to sing it a lot at bars along with Yayo Also pls she performed Us Against The World in her 2015 Tour which was super random (Ik she said she likes the song but still)
  4. what do you want from me? it's just a stupid bar...
  5. Is it the end of an era? Is it the end of America?
  6. this thread's energy today
  7. the earth shattered, the sky opened...
  8. ... can mods just close this thread at this point
  9. waiting for her to post something on family heirlooms
  10. i mean, she remembered the password to miss daytona in 2019 so...
  11. i mean we still have burthdaykake and oceanblvd... right?
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