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Tana Mongeau

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Posts posted by Tana Mongeau

  1. 4 minutes ago, The Siren said:

    Can't listen right now :cryney: I'm at work and Instagram is too slow to load on this shitty wifi

    think mermaid vs sailor by marina but 2023, good vocal quality and drums that aren't from garageband's stock library 

  2. 1 minute ago, cranekiss said:

    sims 4 sucks there is no gameplay. the only thing it did better than TS2 and TS3 was create-a-sim and build mode and that's not even 25 percent of the game for me. like the sims have no personality and the art style is ugly. sims 2 is the best game ever 


  3. 7 minutes ago, kraljicabenzinske said:

     the amount of people in the comments of their posts saying "guys we should be grateful for this and that, they are trying really hard"

    ok but are they trying really hard girl...

    look at sims 2 level of trying hard then get back to me because simguru's are not only absolute assholes now, theyre also not trying hard, they're slacking

  4. 7 minutes ago, TrashMagiq said:

    As a former active member of the simblr community I can confidently say TS4 is SHIT and so is EA! Sims 5 will probs also be terrible. I can already see them pulling some shit like subscription based expansion packs or w/e. Terrible company that gives their devs a sad budget for the expansion packs. I remember during the City Living livestream before it came out one of the devs said they didn't put an animation of the sim actually going into the elevator cause they wanted to compromise and add in other gameplay stuff... That stuck with me like they really couldn't add a simple animation of the sim entering the elevator cause otherwise they wouldn't be able to add other shit w their budget. The sim literally just teleports... This is one of many examples of this game's lack of details. Terribly surface level game with 0 depth and character. The "infants" they're adding also just look like scaled down toddlers. Horrible game. An insult to the previously amazing sims franchise.

    I might get shat on but I started with sims 4 in 2014, it was a Christmas present. I had to buy a second copy because origin was fucking up and it kept telling me i needed to update it, idfk. anyways, i got sims 3 and then i got sims 2 UC in 2015 from ea chat support (thank u, bring that back pls). I only ever play sims 4 now to remind me how bad it is and it enhances my gameplay of sims 2 and 3.

    EA don't care anymore because these EA ass lickers will eat any shit they pass down to us then come after people having valid complaints. Toxic positivity exists and that is it. Literally buy the sims 3 base game on steam and then defend sims 4. Sure it's laggy and all sims look like potatoes. Sims 4 has the worst simulation lag I have ever witnessed and barbie from toy story literally looks more realistic . So what's your point like I can't.

    1 of 2 things is gonna happen

    1.  These apologists eventually silence valid complaints and EA just cease to care anymore because the apologists make up a majority of the fan base and will eat up any dusty, broken and borked thing they release.
    2. Paralives or another competitor game will be released, a majority of the fan base run over to that game, EA will try everything in their power but realise that they've ruined their cash cow, the milk has curdled and there's nothing they can do about it. They can discount whatever they want but they'll realise that their incompetence and ignorance ruined one of the best selling game franchises.


  5. 4 minutes ago, shady said:


    Pictures please :oop2: 

    join the discord.


    jaykay i aint evil

    unborn baby broke and his kids are at school and hubby working. also it was twin girls and a boy, not triplets lmao.




    1 minute ago, baked said:

    redownloaded sims 2 ultimate collection,


  6. 11 minutes ago, kraljicabenzinske said:

     I haven’t played since like Cats & Dogs expansion pack.

    i cant get over the way they said that pets arent controllable because its not realistic yet they still gave us a starwars pack that was immediately put on sale and they paid disney ambassadors or some shit to play the pack...keep in mind EA have barely spent money on advertising like that :thumb3:

  7. Just now, Jade said:

    lmfaoo your profile pic goes perfectly with your post :lmao: and I agree about the kits. It's just another money making scheme for EA. Almost all the kits could've been part of a pack.

    Kid's Room, Toddler and Backyard stuff would've also fit with parenthood (and parenthood and growing together could've been one pack together lol). Spooky and Paranormal stufff could've been one kit and I still don't understand to this day why werewolves and vampires were made into two different packs. Like, the list goes on and on.


    Also we've evolved, new games should innovate on the old ones. We shouldn't need to pay £40 for weather or pets. Like yeah sure they've been add-ons in the past but

    1) seasons was never meant to be a pack, it only happened because they couldn't fix rain in time for the sims 2 base game

    2) it's twenty motherfucking three. why are we paying for such basic shit that isn't even fully fleshed out

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