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ivory almond

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Posts posted by ivory almond

  1. On 12/21/2023 at 2:50 AM, cartoon eyes said:

    Anyone up for word search round 2? K2WshA8.png

    From this pic flipped and darkened all the way - I see MELANCHOLIA for sure but not rly sure what else


    i figured it out



    Full Tracklist:
    1. Old Money (?) - Based on the other photo and the fact that Old Money made it to UV's final tracklist, it is likely that she kept it on this draft as well

    2. Money Power Glory

    3. Guns N Roses (?)

    4. Black Beauty

    5. Lake Placid

    6. Melancholia

    7. Earthquakes

    8. Summertime

    9. Dragonslayer

    10. Trans Am

    11. Queen Of Hearts (?) - last track looks like it has "of" in the middle, and QoH was recorded feb 2nd, and this photo was taken in January so it could've been considered/first written here

  2. On 12/28/2023 at 7:12 PM, ivory almond said:

    A&W - 82

    Candy Necklace - 15

    Let The Light In - 63

    On 12/28/2023 at 7:49 PM, DinahLee said:

    A&W - 82

    Candy Necklace - 16 (+1)

    Let The Light In - 62 (-1) 

    On 12/28/2023 at 11:57 PM, mssainttropez said:

    A&W- 82

    Candy Necklace- 18

    Let The Light In- 60



    A&W - 81

    Candy Necklace - 17

    Let The Light In - 62


  3. OMG EIGHT NOMINATIONS?? (if you include drama of the year and my thread of the year)

    thank you so much to everyone who for voted me; this is my first lipster awards as an eligible member so im just so happy that you guys even thought of me 😭 ty

  4. 1 hour ago, Xenoblade 3 said:

    I don’t want to be writing an essay. I’m going to type words and you piece it yourself. Lana has said some these words herself about the album and her intention:

    - Automatic singing

    - Kintsugi (a metaphor for embracing your flaws and imperfections)

    - Imperfections

    - Should we structured this?

    - Candy Necklace video with random cuts of BTS

    - Multiple long songs (that is so far from the norm esp in the ringtone TikTok era)


    The album itself also has random background noises and blips and blops that weren’t cut out (vape sounds, Lana discussing with Jack, Peppers). Jack said so himself. They wanted to keep the atmosphere of the recording sessions in. 

    This is a personal rough around the edges album. The album has imperfections on purpose. It is intentionally artistically done. There’s a metaphor somewhere of how the album sound and Lana as an artist. Her journey and her evolution.

    She also clearly wanted to do something different and something not the norm and more challenging sonically. By challenging, she’s challenging herself and challenging the listener. She wanted to buck the trend and put her whole foot down. This is an album of bravery. No one is putting out multiple 6 minutes songs in an album with massively long interludes like that. The long songs here also feed into the whole streams of consciousness, automatic writing, structuredless, unedited, unpolished, rawness of it all which is part of the imperfections. There’s a line somewhere in here that you can grasp at. 


    BTW, the “rough” sound here is still more listenable than the ear piercing Blue Tankisters. Blue Tankisters sound isn’t even rough. It’s actually very polished but mistakes were made. Her vocals are so clear and loud to the point of making it unlistenable. And the piano hits your ear drums in a way that is just painful to listen to. I don’t know the technical terms, but there’s gotta be some wave length of sound that is unchecked or something.

    Ocean Blvd is rough in away that is still pleasant. Like eating Spicy foods. The levels are correct. It’s abravesive at points but not unpleasantly so. The mixing is wonderful. There’s a fuzzy coziness to the album. Very wintery. There’s just a texture to this album interestingly similarly to Neil’s photography. The texture here is also very similar to Ultraviolence. I’m talking about the sound texture. The album itself is very different, of course.



    Ok, so addressing your two points: 1) The imperfect mixing is intentional to be reflective of the meaning of the album - Moments such as the intro to The Grants with the misspoken lyrics, the sneezes and background noises in A&W, the little guitar licks and small details all over the album ARE intentional and well-done. However, like I just said, these are all small moments that pop up in the MIXING and COMPOSITION. When referring to the poor quality of the mastering and sound engineering, this does not seem intentional or an artistic choice. This isn't a little "imperfection," this is a matter of literal quality and clarity of the tracks on the WHOLE album. The inconsistency and difference in mastering on each track, many having muffled aspects, is just in poor taste, nothing else.


    And 2) The "rough sound" and "texture" adding to the aesthetic and vibe of the album. - Yes, I would agree that the tracks, sonically match the overall aesthetic. Even down to the grain/noise used on the album cover, and the low contrast of it. However, just because something fits or matches visual appeals does NOT equate to it being of high quality. Most people can agree that adding clarity and depth to songs is important; it's a whole part of mastering. That is why flat and muffled songs (for best example, Kintsugi) are frowned upon and seen of as lower quality. Because they are.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Xenoblade 3 said:

    Ocean Blvd is mastered to perfection.



    6 minutes ago, Xenoblade 3 said:

    Every single “muffled sound” or “rough sound” is intentional and artistically done.

    Please explain how this intentional. What purpose do these issues serve?


    6 minutes ago, Xenoblade 3 said:

    I can’t finish a song on Blue Tankisters. It physically hurts my ears.

    This is so overdramatic and unnecessary. Also, why are you comparing Ocean Blvd to the quality of Blue Banisters like so many others have done. This isn't about Blue Banisters, so why keep bringing it up? 

  6. 1 minute ago, bigspender said:

    what would you change about kintsugi? i think the issue lies more in the mixing which is mostly jacks fault 

    to me, it sounds fuzzy/muffled overall, especially her voice. according to the credits, both Laura and Jack were involved in mixing and mastering, but Laura is more of an audio engineer than a producer, and my problem with kintsugi is the technical aspect

  7. Tbh I've never gotten the BB hate. From first listen, it was already my favorite album from hers. It's her most comforting and inviting work, and for me, nostalgic in a sense (especially Violets For Roses, Thunder, Living Legend, etc.). I'm always transported back to first listen every time, and I think that speaks to its warmth and freshness.

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