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RIP ivory almond

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Everything posted by RIP ivory almond

  1. thot u said yes to leak, guess u lied, it's ok WE'RE ON OUR WAY YALL DW
  2. still no leaks or updates? guess it's time that i put The greatest on loop and cry in the shower for dramatic effect
  3. @111 @fl0r1dakil0s @Wait For Life how long does it take to upload a MQ mp3 like—
  4. and LFL political outtakes!
  5. @honeymoon did NOT make it to that ten-year mark
  6. it wasn't her idea, the cocktail of things that twist neurons inside, but without them @honeymoon dies
  7. @DragonWhore psychedelic trip, half-moon bay, for jim i'll stay, for jim i'll stay
  8. then wtf was that "i knew it" post abt
  9. guys it's fine, im flying to LA tmrw, ill just meet up with her at the corner of ventura blvd and coldwater canyon and ask her what her new private account name is
  10. that rain was fire but we were woooddeennnn
  11. when gloryngore and acid alts start showing up then what
  12. start leaking stuff for us, pls and tysm!!!!!!
  13. when she moves her platform to her onlyfans account then what
  14. guys im following accounts left and right, literally anyone and everyone that's followed by ben, ed, neil, charlie, chuck, etc. NOW LEAK ZODIAC, DARK CITY, PUSSY, LYTAN, AND PARADISE YOU CRUEL MFS, WE NEED SOMETHING THAT CAN COUNTER THIS LOSS
  15. ive been refreshing @oceanblvd for the past ten minutes still nothing
  16. guys what happened, how late am i to the news i feel like someone just died
  17. i just discovered that he also produced hollywood bowl king behavior tbh
  18. ...no i'm sure that lana is happy with the large majority of her art there are still songs that the majority of her listeners can agree have worst production than others, though probably also, it's really not about lana's artistic direction because as i stated, there are many songs on the album with rich instrumentals yet still stripped down more than her previous works so obviously, her idea for the album's production was perfect, but jack executed it poorly on some songs (again, not all, i really like a lot of his work)
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