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Everything posted by canadianwhore

  1. Just the way she sings "when I was 15 next-door neighbors did a drive by..." completely vetoes your point
  2. Also because I live in the middle of nowhere and that's my only chance of seeing Lana live
  3. Judah Smith Interlude will be my most likely skip for me. Reminds me too much of my Catholic upbringing
  4. Sorry honeymoon is my fave album of hers though and I can hear some Honeymoon influence in the singles so I'm excited. Really seems like a look-back on her career by piecing together elements of past albums to create a new sound
  5. Okay but what's the consensus on Roanoke because I've only seen up to Hotel but I want to rewatch...
  6. Bought this shirt off of etsy and it shipped today!! I was hoping to have it by friday but I'm excited
  7. That’s fair our province has like 6 people in it
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