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Everything posted by surfsup

  1. WAIT GUYS IS CANDY NECKLACE APART OF THE TAGGEF LEAK. Lmk how it sounds if u can hear anything
  2. Fishtail AW Let The Light In Taco Truck Candy Necklace (I hope it’s a collapse I don’t like not knowing a thing about it) Paris, Texas Peppers Grandfather Ocean Margaret Sweet Kintsugi The Grants Fingertips Interludes
  3. this is my first prerelease without a leak a significant amount of time before the album comes out. its so different. but tbf i only started stanning like february 2019
  4. @111 insider of the millennium if you tell us like 2 things about candy necklace
  5. Just realized the same person who wrote the A&W review on pitchfork (best new track) wrote the Miley Cyrus album review. Pls let Shaad D’Souza write the album review I beg 😭 or the person who wrote the Norman one
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