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Everything posted by baked

  1. baked

    Melanie Martinez

    melanies second flop era i fear (jk it’ll prob do better than k12 but still)
  2. baked

    Melanie Martinez

    moon cycle actually made it im dead
  3. baked

    Melanie Martinez

    the END of melanie martinez
  4. baked

    Melanie Martinez

    it will be remembered as the lanaboards most clowned on melanie track thats the only part of it you’ll want to remember
  5. baked

    Melanie Martinez

    girl when is a heart attack ever good i guess when u have to listen to that song
  6. baked

    Melanie Martinez

    this is what the beat drop reminds me of
  7. baked

    Melanie Martinez

  8. baked

    Melanie Martinez

    i’ll be here the second the album is released (or leaked ) and give my opinions tehehehe. i’ll give spidey a chance… one… dont… fuck! it ! up! PLS u kill me
  9. baked

    Melanie Martinez

    i dont even need to hear the rest of spider webs its a skip babes
  10. baked

    Melanie Martinez

    i got the lana pill holder and melanie boxset ladies i think im finally ascending literal bioweapon
  11. i bought the damn pill case cant wait to put my antipsychotics in it oh lana you released this just for me
  12. baked

    Melanie Martinez

    its the back from the dead one
  13. im so tempted to get that stupid pillbox lana del rey narcotic aesthetic
  14. baked

    Melanie Martinez

    i think portals will be better than k-12, but i just truly really disliked most of k-12
  15. baked

    Melanie Martinez

    when will someone step up and leak the album
  16. baked

    Melanie Martinez

    the limbs snippet is like 5 seconds long so i suppose its easy to go viral on tiktok like that. i wnna hear more of the song tho
  17. baked

    Melanie Martinez

    still waiting for single announcement
  18. baked

    Melanie Martinez

    melanie took shrooms and now thinks shes a celestial being
  19. baked

    Melanie Martinez

    cupcakke is literally coming to my town soon and i couldnt get tickets DEAD
  20. baked

    Melanie Martinez

    haunted is one of my favorite of her unreleased tbh
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