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brooklyn bitch

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Everything posted by brooklyn bitch

  1. Her label would never let her release two albums during the same Grammy cycle. She’s never done that, never will. It’s uncommon. If she were to do that it would have to be at the end of the year like BB was, but she wouldn’t announce it this early either 😂
  2. For real. Now that I’m old enough, I’m finally revisiting childhood and working through my own “karmic lineage” (lol) and breaking generational trauma, which makes this new album veryyy fitting for the times
  3. Need to stop listening to Fingertips so it can get all the streams it deserves when released
  4. ooh she even commented under Glastonburys last Instagram post
  5. Lana’s career is almost following Joni Mitchell’s where I don’t think she will be getting a Grammy until she’s maybe at album 15 😂. At least we know that Lifetime Achievement Grammy is secured
  6. Girl she can retire and live off of them BTD checks for the rest of her life 😭, she is already a legend. She don’t need you!! Look at how many new fans and streams she gets without lifting a single finger. Bffr 😭😭
  7. I feel like you got LDR all wrong. She doesn’t make music for you or for the Grammys lol. I doubt she goes into studio thinking “ooo this will surprise them”. She’s just following wherever her muse takes her. She’s probably the only artist who has ever been able to completely not be a slave to their fanbase whims and wishes while still retaining relevance. you’re gonna like some things, and you’re gonna not like certain things. And that’s ok! But she’s not making the music for us.
  8. It’s crazy how people can claim to stan Lana but not understand that she’s an incredibly selfish artist. She doesn’t make music for us 😭, she makes it for herself which she has said numerous times, whether we like it or not. So if she wants to make 20 piano albums, she’s gonna make 20 piano albums!!!
  9. Honestly I feel like this album is gonna really be for people who care to know who Lana the person is, and her past rather than the “sound”. She’s never been as blunt (yet still poetic), as she’s been with these singles. BB was kinda scratching the surface, but this album seems to be completely open. I’d even go as far to say that in A&W she might have even admitted to having been r*ped. But I think that went over peoples head since it’s hard to know where the persona starts and where it ends. But after singing that r*ped line, she follows it up by singing with a sneer “on top of this, so many other things you can’t believe”. Seemingly confirming that the r*ped line is actually true, among other things people couldn’t believe due to her reputation. I don’t know just some thoughts, I think a lot of things get interpreted wrong due to the persona, but I honestly think the persona has faded away gradually since NFR.
  10. The public has so much forgiving to do to Lana….especially after how much she revealed in Fingertips…..we really still have so much we don’t know about her
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