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Everything posted by lanasozempicpen

  1. if yall think boz was fed fake shit from tap then what are we thinking kint was talking about or did tap get them too
  2. the leak never said the surprise was coming today come on yall dont let the delulus get to us
  3. no tour announcement until after the album drops she wants us to die a little when we listen to her magnum opus and die a little more when we're able to hear it live
  4. New discovery: A&W in sing mode on Apple Music has a bunch of hidden vocals that are very clear. In the second half, you can hear say "oh my god", "hey", "its lit!", and saurr much more.
  5. New discovery: A&W in sing mode on Apple Music has a bunch of hidden vocals that are very clear. In the second half, you can hear say "oh my god", "hey", "its lit!", and saurr much more.
  6. [The camera opens with a shot of a record store. A sign on the front door reads "Filmed in front of a live audience - Lanaboards members."] [The audience cheers as the camera zooms in on the store manager, Ms. Johnson, sitting behind the counter. She looks delusional as she stares off into space.] Ms. Johnson: [mumbling] Good evening, everyone. I have some news to share with you all. [The camera cuts to the music section of the store. A group of fans are gathered around a display of Lana Del Rey's latest album "Ocean Blvd."] Fan 1: [excitedly] Have you guys heard this album yet? It's amazing! Fan 2: [nodding] Yeah, I can't stop listening to it. Fan 3: [holding up the album] And look at this cover art! It's so cool. [The camera cuts back to Ms. Johnson behind the counter. She picks up a copy of the album and holds it up for the camera, but instead of smiling, she looks angry and agitated.] Ms. Johnson: [shouting] This is the only album that matters! Everything else in this store is garbage! [The fans look confused and a little scared.] Fan 4: Um, what about other artists? Ms. Johnson: [shouting louder] Other artists? Who cares about them? It's all about Lana! [The camera cuts to a shot of the album cover. The camera slowly zooms in on the intricate artwork and the tracklist.] [The music from the album starts playing in the background, but it's distorted and garbled.] Fan 5: [covering their ears] What's wrong with the music? Ms. Johnson: [shouting] What's wrong with it? It's perfect! You're the problem! [The camera cuts back to Ms. Johnson behind the counter. She's now standing up and pointing at the fans.] Ms. Johnson: [shouting] You're all fired! Get out of my store! [The fans start to scatter as Ms. Johnson throws records and CDs at them.] Fan 6: [yelling] This is insane! Fan 7: [running out of the store] I'm never coming back here again! [The camera cuts to a shot of Ms. Johnson standing alone in the store. She looks triumphant and a little crazy.] Ms. Johnson: [mumbling] They don't understand. They never will. [The camera fades to black as the distorted music from the album continues to play in the background.] ChatGPT RSLID GHHSERKABJSNBFZD;
  7. the way home depot sells random shit like theyre amazon so i wouldnt be surprised if this was true
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