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Everything posted by dyktatuob

  1. european girls y'all do this since that's where most albums leak first and i doubt they know about the new date
  2. we need lana to announce pre-order for album with the titty pic cover this friday to make up for the delay and lack of content me thinks
  3. album being passed around like a blunt yet the true lanators don't have it *cries*
  4. how many insiders did we go through this era it seems like everyone is an insider these days
  5. at least during nfr/cocc and bb we had multiple songs before album release and lana herself was teasing us now it's so boring and her album is the only album im looking forward to this month
  6. interludes, sweet, grandfather, the grants, fingertips (fully) taco truck, peppers, margaret, paris texas (only snippets)
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