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how the light shines in

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Posts posted by how the light shines in

  1. she posted a story with just the words 'HIT ME' yesterday and my brain auto completed 'and it felt like a kiss'

    could you imagine a collab in Coachella week???

  2. It's actually really sad how consistently she/her team fumbles merch. Lana has such a sell-able aesthetic and not only that but it's been in for months now, we all know she isn't in this for the money but merch has the potential to be a beautiful intersection between income and era memories for the fans. But instead it's 'born to die' and 'i <3 lana del rey' in ugly fonts slapped on a random shirt over and over.


    Just thinking about actually cute Coachella themed jackets and shirts makes these 'graphic design is my passion' drops so much worse.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Lanaparadiserey said:

    Those hands kinda do look like Jack…I always have hoped that they would end up together tbh:oprah4:

    fr, I watch his insta stories of him just fucking about in rural America westlin' catfish and shit and like, i get it

  4. someone tell me WHY this woman launched this beautiful album with YES, AND? as the lead single with a music video?? INSANITY MADNESS SABOTAGE

  5. 1 minute ago, X8vinylScratchX said:

    Listening to this album today has made me reflect on Ari bops from the past… 


    good god… Maybe it just nostalgia, but this will never be topped

    no fr I was listening to old stuff for the past week and both ghostin and IMH are heartbreakingly beautiful

  6. I'm actually so shocked at how much I like this album??? I'm really bad at dissecting things, It's all just lyrics and vibes in my head - but I low key love her :brigitte:

    I'm sure if i was an Ariana stan I would be broken over a 35min album tho (but as a casual listener I'm here for a zero filler slay)

  7. it's like some of you have never had genuinely cherished friends before. Anyone with a soul would bring their girlfriend up on that stage knowing that the award should have gone to her and that she collaborated on the album that actually won the award. Taylor could have walked up there promoted her new album, said thanks and left; but she didn't, she made time for Lana while making history for herself.


    Bittersweet... and exhausting

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