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little red party dress

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Everything posted by little red party dress

  1. something unleaked id leaking soon i feel like @111 and their colleagues are cooking…
  2. sugary sweet isn't a real song it's just a hook
  3. i saw a dbree file called "zodiac snippet 5" and i was so excited but when i clicked on it, it wasn't... not the.... yeah.
  4. guys what songs do we realistically think r gonna leak for christmas
  5. guys im so confused so do we think that ivory almond is lilac😭😭
  6. they've prob never listened to "walkout" either
  7. i just don't think the elvis snippets are real it literally sounds like the 2008 vocals with instruments badly edited on...
  8. personally i want zodiac, walkout, get dark, dead to me, everything i do, and paradise
  9. i need "mirror mirror" to get leaked so bad
  10. i keep seeing "country album" but with lana i can't imagine her doing the traditional country, can someone please elaborate on what type of "country" we're talking about? unless we're referring to a chemtrails 2.0?
  11. i think lana is going to release zodiac as a single
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