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Rita Hayworth

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Everything posted by Rita Hayworth

  1. It's just me, these songs and my bath <333
  2. Agreed, I like his work a lot. To create those "effects" he uses expired polaroids and specific analog techniques, he doesn't add a hazy effect to it. Plus working with expired film requires quite a high level of skill as it's very unpredictable, yet his work maintains consistency!
  3. This doesn’t make any sense, but I can see this being true. I can’t see what the issue is with her just telling us it’s delayed (or not). It’s not like we won’t wait for it if she does communicate, so there’s really no need to “sustain” us if she just says something to the effect like “look guys I want this album to be something special which means paying attention to every detail etc etc the album is delayed”. We won’t cause riots in the streets if she says its delayed (we might lose our will to live tho ).
  4. @Embach said something to the effect that he probably didn't produce this song, but he may have done other songs on the album
  5. wouldn't be shocked if this is true lmao I swear Lana is neurodivergent
  6. the phrase bayou wife is giving trad wife vibes, but then again I am not from the US so what's the difference
  7. I wish she would have written something informative under her new post... like ok when can we expect it??? Stop constantly edging us Lana
  8. Baby, if you can, start with her more simple songs. Video Games as it’s mainly just chords and is quite easy, there are lots of really good YouTube tutorials. X
  9. Also I CANT WAIT to have another full album of songs to learn on piano.
  10. See it’s not always a bad thing to wake up in the middle of the day. If I had got up any earlier I would have checked here in the morning and seen nothing, then checked again tonight and missed everything.
  11. 100%! I didn’t like it at first glance but then it reminded me of AKA and now I love the simplicity, and she looks beautiful!
  12. This whole thing is really funny because why would THE Lana Del Rey want to copy her?? Shade fully intended
  13. I’ve always thought I’d genuinely lose my mind and end up dead if I ever had that celebrity lifestyle. No wonder she craves living in anonymity.
  14. I think it’s a good thing for celebrities to be able to speak freely and address things that either they don’t agree with or find insulting. I understand the need for a PR team, but some people are just too authentic to have a PR team constantly controlling the narratives. She is clearly (and kindly) setting boundaries, she doesn’t owe any fan anything at all, certainly not an explanation. Think of all the explaining she has had to do in her career and all that time spent defending her own existence, just to find that the same types of rumours will spread no matter what she says. I don’t really have any issue with her making all these comments because I bet she’s fucking sick of it. Whether she’s famous or not it can’t be easy.
  15. Rita Hayworth

    Song vs. Song

    Black Beauty vs 13 Beaches
  16. Rita Hayworth

    Song vs. Song

    Blue Jeans vs Terrence Loves You
  17. These are beautiful, if I ever need someone to help me with album art (if I ever get round to making one) ima hit you up !
  18. Well yeah obviously Lana isn't the only one. I'm a musician too and I get that they wanna let people in on their process, sometimes I do the same "tease" (for lack of a better word) snippets on my Insta. But I also don't have millions of fans so who cares. I am being completely selfish when I say this, it's annoying when the snippet was over a year ago and we've got basically nothing since. Honestly, I just think we'd all like to know when/if it's actually coming, e.g. the label makes an official announcement.
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