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Everything posted by dexter

  1. I thought the Swifties stalked Taylor’s every move how did she shake them off 💀
  2. Just came to talk about the lanitas cut off group 💀 some of the posts on there are crazy
  3. I don’t really know but some of them were adults and one was on the floor 😭 I think it’s still on Reddit
  4. most likely not since the same user posted a video where you can see about 10 kids outside Jeremy’s house (but it got deleted)
  5. does anyone have an atrl account? has boz said anything new also does atrl not accept new users
  6. the way nothing relevant has been said on any of the 637 pages 😭
  7. Now that Jeremy is a millionaire can we get millionaire? or at least a new lyric
  8. One of his kids is under 18. I don’t think we should discuss them at all anymore. But before anyone says the older one is the trump supporter one with the alleged dms that’s not the one under 18
  9. I completely agree. This is what I was trying to say in the OP but you said it much better
  10. I feel like we shouldn’t talk about the kids because one of them is MAGA it will start the whole trump supporter accusations for the 8th time this month
  11. Right, im not concerned just being realistic- everyone else in the thread jumping to the usual Lana is going to have kids that comes up every month (no hate by the way to anyone saying that) while Jeremy most likely doesn’t want kids / can’t And anyway it’s up to them if they want kids or not - im not jumping to conclusions on their personal lives they can do what they want - all I said is that he probably doesn’t want kids
  12. Everyone talking if Lana wants a child - what about Jeremy ? (Most 56 Year olds don’t want another child especially if their kids are already adults) He’s going to retire in the next decade and i doubt he will want to look after a child. He will be 74+ when the child becomes 18. Honestly I don’t know why we all jump to think Lana wants kids / retire - but it comes up every few months
  13. Before Hangout Fest (may) because Jeremy went back stage to take photos with some country singers (im assuming Lana got him in)
  14. Reminder that Jeremy is 56 - If they do have a child he will be 74 when they turn 18.
  15. I think TMZ is making stuff up as usual
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