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Everything posted by ldrzodiac

  1. Guys I just realised we've hit page 300
  2. sorry guys https://www.imghippo.com/i/dwHrU1717004698.png
  3. The only reason I don’t want Lasso to be 13 tracks is coz it’s an odd number and that STRESSES me out lmao
  4. Can everyone who’s going on Friday shout out ‘ZODIAC!!!!’ pls to try and get Lana to acknowledge that we know about it then she might release it 🙏😙
  5. Do u have the original twitter post for this? I wanna see what insider account it was from
  6. I defo think June release. I had my hopes for 31st may but I honestly don’t think that’s realistic, looking at the fact that he’s dropping a song this Friday. i defo think it will be released early June tho and I have my hopes on that, I’m in PARIS 🇫🇷⚜️ on the first week of June so I hope I come back on friday and have a lovely psychedelic surf noir Hawaiian glam country rap song to listen to
  7. What date do we get the answers for these questions ?
  8. I rlly hope she brings out Quavo I’m not getting my hopes up for it tho
  9. Is there a livestream on Friday, or any way to watch this??
  10. So does this mean she performed at the met? Coz it doesn’t look like the stage in the Ariana videos
  11. Guys will she do an interview with Emma coz that is honestly my dream
  12. I’m so scared and excited and idk why I’m scared She’s been confirmed now
  13. She posted loads of pink and wrote ‘can you guess who’s my special guest tonight’
  14. I’m so hyped for Lasso but it’s so hard to be hyped coz of the lack of information
  15. Oh okay, what is the reliable account so I can follow it
  16. That same insider replied to someone’s comment who said that she’ll most probs delay it and the insider replied saying she’s comfy on September. Also I HEARD on that same account that she wanted to release Lasso in April but her team suggested a delay because it would be overshadowed by Taylor and other artists
  17. When do u guys think we’ll get first single
  18. https://x.com/pinsider_/status/1753032784640184555?s=46&t=w7QVMoKfDrWhgcpqtNezMg forgot about this. Idk how true it is or not but it wouldn’t surprise me
  19. I totally agree with this… I hope she possibly interprets 1 or 2 into the album but I’d much prefer an ‘Unreleased Collection’ rather than this album be filled with a bunch of her unreleased, plus I love new Lana stuff
  20. I’m so hyped to see what she’s got planned tho even if it’s just minor changes then I’m still hyped and tbf I’m about 60-70% sure she will perform a new song as well from Lasso
  21. Do u guys think she’ll perform an upcoming song from Lasso like she did with West Coast 10 years ago ??
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