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Everything posted by JDaniel

  1. is this a reason why lana is currently letting her husband do propaganda for trump, just a little discreet at the moment would be so much classier from jeremy
  2. when lizzy grant one of the coolest girls gets there or describes her so aptly HeyBlueBaby you should not doubt anything
  3. Don't you find it surprising after a wedding day to be forced, unfortunately rightly so, to have these arguments?
  4. I'm going off topic a bit but I'm European By abandoning the pressure exerted by NATO, he is handing over to Putin a great democrat who is a friend of all minorities.
  5. ce truc est toujours la https://www.tiktok.com/@jeremy.dufrene?_t=8pFknN99VG2&_r=1
  6. excuse me It's not just music, there are also lyrics that always tell a different story than that of Mr. Trump. you know this may not interest you but knowing that currently on tictoc Lana's husband is promoting this character hurts me
  7. ce n'est pas que de la musique il y a également des textes qui racconte toujours une autre histoire que celle de Monsieur Trump vous savez cela vous indiffere peut etre mais savoir que actuellement sur tictoc l'époux de Lana fait de la promo pour ce personnage me fait mal
  8. if kanye west reads all this he must have a good laugh if he has a sense of humor he might also be a little angry about " why me and not him"
  9. When an artist has conveyed a significant part of humanism in her art, you will understand that one can be concerned about two things: jeremy still spreading ideas supporting trump lanna says nothing on her side on these subjects while many people including many of her fans will be involved very negatively if this individual returns
  10. Now that all the newspapers are talking about it, could someone from the Grant family just write us a little note about it? I hope their next communication will not be about river fishing after such a major event.
  11. Do you think that lasso will sound like the same type of music that Jeremy plays on his tictocs?
  12. In the photos, certainly taken by a drone , it didn't seem to me that Jeremy was dressed like that at his wedding.
  13. I respect if that's the choice but personally I find it sad for Lana and all the romanticism she has wonderfully conveyed for so many years.
  14. It would be really annoying if her husband had realized the same thing as his ex-policeman whom she condemned so much.
  15. Yes, but it would be really good in the current circumstances if she could remove all ambiguity. less than 10 days ago he relayed a pro-trump tictoc and in this case everyone can see it now
  16. you are absolutely right Can you, however, tell me, knowing that elections that are decisive for rights are coming, what you would think if she did not take a position?
  17. It is possible that she invited him to her wedding and he refused I think he actively supports Kamala
  18. I wanted to post on Lana Honeymoon 's Instagram : Chez Poutine I was refused this
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