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Everything posted by tombombadil01

  1. girl I don’t know you and I don’t mean to be a dick but he reposted the picture of a trans person beaten up into a pulp suggesting it was okay to do that if he had found them in the same public toilets as his daughter, are you okay? we literally do not need to know ALL the facts, like that ONE fact would be enough for literally anyone with a single brain cell to get the gist of his character and stay tf away from him, instead she decided to marry him. I’m sorry but your examination of why and how we worship celebs has little to do with this, she has simply shown her true colours, just another brand of straight white privileged hypocrite and the mere fact of having written a whole paragraph going for Kanye’s throat for supporting Trump and then getting in bed with a Trump supporter like this fact itself would shame her into oblivion if it came up in interviews (which I’m betting you her management will pay magazines for it to never be asked). Revolting. I’m just surprised at how this shitstorm hasn’t hit IG yet and her comments are still lukewarm.
  2. Omg if this is true I fear she clocked her real bad and tbh it’s deserved down to the last word but it’s weird that she’s writing about herself in the third person - is this her official account?
  3. I’m so sorry that you’re going through this and it really is beyond me how some members in here who are probably queer or hopefully ally at the very least are just doing backflips trying to justify this mess. their inability to wear someone else’s shoes is shocking. do they think if they made a move on him as, say, a gay man at a bar he would think twice before knocking their teeth out? Now his ex fiancé is coming out saying she was shocked he married Lana one month only after ending their 12 years engagement - THIS is the man she’s decided to marry. in the words of Chapell, good luck babe.
  4. once again y’all confusing politics with human rights. in an ideal world, that wouldn’t even be up for discussion. Unfortunately in the real world, right wing parties have always been associated with integralist propaganda, xenophobia, transphobia, homophobia and an overall disinterest - when not downright hatred - towards minorities. Therefore no, they did not clock shi. The only narrow-minded way of thinking is that of someone who thinks that posting a trans person that was suggested to have been beat-up for using public women toilets can be brushed off as “wild thought: people are more than their political views”. Here’s a wild thought for you (if you’re part of the community): read the room, until she doesn’t clear this up, your fave would rather turn a blind eye to her husband suggesting he would beat the shit out of a trans person (and let me tell you we don’t even know what his views are on immigrants, gun control, abortion) than have her little house in the prairie white family life fantasy ruined.
  5. thanks for pointing that out, I’m not an avid listener of MM, I’m not a fan of his and I didn’t know that he was a known abuser. I listen to some of his songs here and there from time to time. but I won’t say that doesn’t make a difference because it does. what I mean is I don’t have a “13 year history” with his music on an everyday base the way I have had with Lana’s music, so of course this will affect me more. If I stop listening to MM point blank right now it won’t change anything to me, the same won’t apply to Lana’s music, it is painful to “break up” (for lack of a better word) with someone whose music you’ve related to throughout the years
  6. ew once was enough I’m going in on Marilyn Manson hard today that’s how mad the biatch got me also fjm dropped a song called Screamland and it’s gorgeous
  7. I’ll be an over dramatic drama queen like the Italian southerner I am but I honestly feel huge detachment from her right now, I’ve been riding with her for 13 years and right now even looking at her albums on Spotify kinda repulses me, let alone listen to her music. And before some of you come for me with that parasocial narrative, this is just me sharing a feeling of disappointment as a part of the queer community.
  8. oh Jack was tonguing his cousins and showing his tiddies we were in heaven and did not know it
  9. gentleman is a choice of word but I’ll let that slide for the moment. most of us have issues with his views and what he shared online, violence against trans people in particular, and supporting trump. the truth is Lana has never been truly involved in supporting the queer community, really any minority whatsoever, except the black community and that was only because it served her purpose because she was getting dragged left and right over Qftc so she posted that laughable pinky finger post and wrote textbook. I’m sorry to be so bitter over this but she truly is showing colours I do not like. And I’m saying this as a fan since 2012. I’ve always had the feeling Lana was a bit out of touch because of her privilege but it never really bothered me too much. Now it does and unfortunately I can’t help it.
  10. I will assume you’re 15 and I won’t elaborate further as to why your comment is an absolutely meaningless reply
  11. idk I’m sorry but this is downright delusion. Transphobia is not a fcking political view, excuse my French, y’all need to get that idea well drilled into your brains. It’s called human rights. The values Trump stands for are not just economical, they are human rights he openly stands against, and you can twist and turn it anyway you like it, whoever supports that is divisive, spiteful and problematic at some level, or willingly and naively ignorant at the very least . Associating with someone who hunts for sport, posts transphobic shi is NOT political, it’s inhumane. THAT is the difference. I hope this helps
  12. it can have its charm only if you have millions in your bank account and can pretend you’re poor 😅
  13. babes I hope this is sarcasm (which I often don’t get so I apologise if that’s the case lol) but she never lived the trailer park life for real, it was only a year and she did it to get away from the easy life and find inspiration on her own but let’s not forget that she had always had a home to go back to, a family and some type of wealth- let’s remember that most people who live in trailer parks have no choice, they have underpaid jobs if any, they struggle, it’s their only option, it’s not a “life experience”. she’s now a millionaire, cosplaying working class won’t change that
  14. so now acknowledging that an artist whom you’ve followed for 13 years may very well be just as problematic as she often appeared to be because she’s married to a bigoted transphobic trump supporter is called being parasocial? thanks for the lesson ig
  15. people are happy for her? I can’t believe I am one of the few who is entirely disappointed and I’m not even joking. It’s been 13 years of riding with her and this is where it ends, with a transphobic, trump-supporter - this is the same woman who wrote “Methamphetamine, I met my man Drag queen at heart, just like I am Puts on his wig, eyelashes, bam-King Coney Island”, the same woman who wrote an entire paragraph about Trump and the state of the world. Idc if people say we don’t know, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s a damn duck. We do know. Such a disappointment.
  16. it’s so much deeper than that but never mind
  17. let’s not romanticise this he’s a trump supporter 😭😭 the way we gradually fell from Barry, a tasteful, gorgeous, artistic, deep, grungy, loving if mentally-troubled partner to an x-gen trump supporter I can’t be throwing 13 years of my life into the gutter somebody please pinch me
  18. I literally thought about it yesterday morning while making the bed I thought omg the fact she picked this man with a family and at that age is giving “I want to settle down before I’m too old so this will have to do” she really said why wait for the best when I could have you
  19. we are never beating the trump supporter allegations this time
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