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Everything posted by blueskiesforever

  1. Her maternal grandmother’s name was Madeline Hill.
  2. I don’t know if this is the place to post this, but since a couple of days ago I can’t like, add images or links from my phone or my iPad (I am able to only from Safari on my computer, Chrome doesn’t work either).
  3. According to her, Cody dropped them off in July 2022 because Lana didn’t have time for the dogs. Based on her latest posts on Twitter I wonder if he was leaking info re: Lana and Jeremy to the press. He also has a Lana TikTok fan page.
  4. I don’t remember when exactly, but since they were grown by the time Blue Banisters came out, I assume she got them in 2020 along with the cats? People were getting lots of pets during the pandemic, makes sense to me as in what other circumstance someone who is not a lot at home (like her) would get not one but four pets. Yes German Shepherds require a lot of attention, Tex and Mex were “lucky”(and I say lucky in “ “since I don’t know how this guy is treating them) that they were rehomed, because usually pets in the same situation end up in shelters and euthanized. I wished people in general did more research before getting a dog. I wish the lady well and understand that she had to flee and leave them with him, I just hope they are safe, as sometimes domestic abusers can be abusive to animals as well. Sorry for the long rant, I am a big animal lover and hearing this today made me sad, especially seeing the picture of them lying by the car.
  5. She messaged Charlie on IG, he asked for proof but he never responded.
  6. According to her that account is his Re: Tex and Mex
  7. Hope he's not an animal abuser too, Tex and Mex live with him.
  8. Posting this here as I believe I saw a question asking about Tex and Mex, according a lady in a Twitter post Lana gave them away to her (she is allegedly her bodyguard’s ex).
  9. Relatively new at LB but here in the audience rooting for you all. Good luck to everyone! (Phone won’t let me upload my red carpet look)
  10. Zodiac but I doubt it will happen , I just want to hear it in HQ
  11. You’re welcome! They were good phones I wish I they’d still make them.
  12. BBM= BlackBerry Messenger BlackBerry phones were very popular back in the day and they had their own instant messaging app.
  13. Sorry if it’s OT, there’s going to be a benefit concert for the fires on the 30th. I wonder if there’s any chance she’ll perform.
  14. Special Offer deleted the Lana post from their Instagram page
  15. She’s lucky TMZ, People or any other major news outlet didn’t report it, I only found 2 articles regarding his views, one of them from Newsweek, but it’s the kind of article I guess that gets buried and not shared widely. https://www.newsweek.com/lana-del-rey-husband-jeremy-dufrene-variety-speech-video-1997528 https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2024/oct/4/lana-del-rey-fans-rail-after-songstress-marries-al/
  16. Yes, a keyboard and an acoustic guitar. Do you own a video game console(s)?
  17. Lana Del Rey Heardle #998 🔊🟩⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ https://lana-del-rey-heardle.netlify.app/
  18. The video of the baby deer running around scared broke me, I have special empathy for animals and it affects me deeply.
  19. The source was a Twitter fan page from Brazil, so I really doubt it is true. Couldn’t find any other source.
  20. And it took 5 months to design https://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/charli-xcxs-viral-brat-album-cover-took-5-months-to-create-designer-says/
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