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lemonade motorcycle heaven

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Everything posted by lemonade motorcycle heaven

  1. How it felt attempting to type in "Therightpersonwillstay" on the sparkle jump rope queen site
  2. I think this album is gonna be her third number one in the US because there's so much talk about it
  3. Go go dancer vs If you lie down with me
  4. Um well christmas is actually not tomorrow but i love the enthusiasm!
  5. Debuts at #1 in 196 countries, 20x diamond, over 1 billion copies sold Kim K the musical legend you are
  6. Or what if lasso is still a track on it and the album was just re-named
  7. This was a very good year for her, Announcing Lasso The right person will stay Going blonde, teasing us lizzy stans Releasing tough and debuting an unknown song at fenway
  8. Okay for drama i'm putting people uncovering jeremy's transphobic facebook posts and accusing lana of being a maga (wordy but whatever)
  9. Really stumped on the drama of the year and iconic moment of the year
  10. Anyone who unstanned/left because of lana marrying jeremy deserves the biggest lana hater award in my opinion
  11. Seems i underestimated the power of lizzy grant on here
  12. Ladies and gentlemen... I present to you Happy Voting!
  13. There should totally be a "Biggest Lizzy Grant Stan" award
  14. okay this is so iconic im stealing this and making my own
  15. Okay well with that being said, I definitely have my Nicest Member award set for @Dark Angel they're nothing but polite I also have a couple of other ideas for some of the other categories but idk anyone too well But be sure to vote me for best new and best signature!!
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