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Everything posted by Placids

  1. Placids

    Ethel Cain

    I wanted to say that but I thought I was gonna get attacked by “Hayden doesn’t want these songs out” people
  2. Placids

    Ethel Cain

    I NEED IT NOW What context did she talk about it in I mean how did she end up revealing that
  3. Placids

    Ethel Cain

    That’s insane considering that vacillator is my fav track did she say anything else that interesting cause I missed it
  4. Anyone has a link for a European ?
  5. Placids

    Ethel Cain

    if u consider what her age was back then it is
  6. Placids

    Ethel Cain

    she has said a lot of times on her tumblr that she’s not anti abortion anymore + these posts are hella old of course teenagers think and say crazy shit and no of course it’s not an excuse but who cares she was just a kid
  7. Placids

    The Weeknd

    I hope cause I need to know if lana is on it so bad
  8. Placids

    Ethel Cain

    GRAILS ??? Which ones ?
  9. Placids

    Ethel Cain

    where I can’t find it
  10. Placids

    Ethel Cain

  11. Placids

    Ethel Cain

    can somebody give me a link I can’t find any of these edit : found it
  12. Placids

    Ethel Cain

    can someone send me the link for skinhead
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