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Posts posted by Sitar

  1. The minute you realize you've found your soulmate.



    Getting all da boiz :creep:

    Hey Jake :creep:


    Charli XCX + Elizabeth Woolridge Grant


    If you won't preserve your stanhood, then I'll do it for you :imbeingsarcasticbitch2:


    masturbation tbh


    I am DONE :lmao:

  2. I almost wish I could really relate to a song like "Children of the Bad Revolution" or "Gogo Dancer," but I just don't click with those aesthetics. :P They're great pieces of work, but they have zero relation points.


    You have to relate for it to be your favorite? That seems debilitating.



    Mine is "Get Drunk" and has been from the moment I heard it. It's hardly a matter of opinion. "Get Drunk" simply is her best song.

    And I'm not an alcoholic :hottie:

  3. I still hate it. I own only one Lana remix, don't have any CDs, and think her career is on a downward slope.


    Madrigal, I can't handle this, and I'm going to need some positive ass opinions right the heck now :imbeingsarcasticbitch2:



    - I burned a CD for my friend back in January with "Video Games" by Lana Del Ray on it, illegally downloaded so it cut off around three and a half minutes and I didn't even know :creep:

    - I've never made it all the way through those Mando Diao performances

    - Ditto the Woodkid performances, although they're not bad

  4. :oprah:


    Do you know that this is EXACTLY what I'VE needed!?


    I swear to GOD, THE UNIVERSE, FATE, WHATEVER- I swear on my life that reading the support that you guys have flooded me with has made me laugh, has made me cry, has made me proud, has made me confident. You DON'T understand how much it means to me to know that this thing belongs to all of you- that you can take it (FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIVES)- and it's yours. You can do whatever you want with it- grow with it, grow apart from it, remember it one day in 40 years. To know that these words I wrote about a vision of paradise I had- a place where we could all belong- has made it into your life.


    Honestly, your thoughts and your excitement and your participation in all this makes EVERY ounce of work count for what I hoped it would.


    One day I'll show it to my children.


    No I won't, are you kidding, you say "and you take my seed, swallow all the sesame"! But I'm trying to think of a way I can convince my rather non-hip hop friends to listen to you.


    Vision of paradise, Lana? :creep: No, you're too sweet. It's my absolute pleasure to support you. It would be so much more difficult if you made crap music.


    Btw guys.... Today is the 1 year anniversary of the filming of my first music video.




    I love that track and I can't download it :defeated: But this is beautiful, I think I've seen this before. At least, I've gone through your youtube before :P

  5. Do you know that this mixtape is exactly what I've needed? :defeated:


    I mean, it is just the gayest thing I've ever heard. I think you probably know that. I've been known to download songs by drag queens before, and gay artists, and Lady fucking Gaga. And this is honestly the gayest music on my computer. I absolutely love you for it. You have goddamn Vogue and Let's Have a Kiki and Ima Read, for Christ's sake!


    I think you really should be commended for making these tracks all your own. To the untrained eye, it's a huge amount of covers. But they're all just Hunter tracks to me. That's been an obvious talent since I first listened to your Video Games cover. Take "WAVVY" for example. I'm really feeling that song at this particular moment in time and I had to look up the original song to make sure it wasn't just a good cover of a genius song. As it turned out, my love was entirely powered by your creative liberties. (PS, is there speaking in tongues on that shit or what?)


    And yet with that said, you're not the dreaded ~cover artist~! It really is your personal touches that are the standouts on here. Like, how dare you reduce some of the best to mere Rihanna-esque chorus girls?! It's fantastic! How dare you have this white, gay as splenda persona on this release and rap so effortlessly?! How dare you fully realize this ballroom, Paris is Burning rapper thing that Azealia Banks was only hinting towards?! And then how dare you come out of the gates with that fucking singing voice, making "Blue Jeans" sound like a soul standard and getting me legitimately emotional on "Summer Religion"?! And finally, how can you perfectly remix Grimes and Kanye West? You shouldn't be, Hunter, you just shouldn't be.


    My thoughts kind of got away from me. I've been feeling like I should give you the review you're worthy of but I'm psyching myself out. I'm sure I'll have more thoughts the more I play it (I'm really playing it a lot).


    To narrow my standouts to 5: Blue Jean Bambino, HitchCock, WAVVY, Summer Religion, BodyScheiße. And minus the ones that were already out, I also love Sweet Oblivion, Faggots in Paris, Ratchet, and that beautiful minute and a half of Old School. Summertime also adds a lot to the mixtape as a whole piece of work.


    I think I'll return with a post about my favorite lyrics, too.

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