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Posts posted by Sitar

  1. Funnily enough, wind machines are used a lot in 20th century composition and a little bit in late 1800s. See here. They're awesome, you crank them with a lever and they come in different sizes for, uhm, different kinds of wind noises. Some of my favorite composers have made use of them.


    I knew it was a term! I actually recognize what you're talking about. I was part of this play in high school (you know, waaaaay back then...) that had one of those onstage. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead. The teacher/director was going for a steampunk thing, which is kind of nauseating, but it fit well enough.


    Look, another tangent...

  2. Anyone else notice there's an awful lot of vehicles in these songs?


    I just ride.

    Drive fast, I can almost taste it now.

    Come on, baby, let's ride.

    Put me onto your black motorcycle.

    Every Saturday night I get dressed up to ride for you, baby.

    Drive fast, wind in my hair, push it to the limits 'cause I just don't care.

  3. If MoEv get a reality show, I want one with Sitar tbh.


    With a cat named Maru.


    And neighbors named HDB and Madrigal.


    Matt can be the salacious paper boy.


    And then Pin Up could be our sassy, black maid.




    Let's all just live together. Someone call VH1.




    Yes! We are the clear stars, of course.


    Judicious use of an Erika gif, I must say :creep:

  4. I don't own the necessary hat for this costume, but I intend to have it by the deadline.


    Someone write up a nice HDB-style bullshitter about how my real costume (sister wife) fits into Lana's themes :creep:


    I guess i wasn't invited to the ball, so i'll just set the building alight from the outside and watch you all burn to death as i slowly twirl in a circle to the sounds of your screams.

    lol, I'll help


    Revision: myriiiam sings sadly by the window and CIK is busy working a nice Lana wig in front of a wind machine.


    (Wind machine? Is that a thing? Do I mean "fan"? Because I feel like I mean "wind machine"...)


    I didn't know there was a rule for that. I've been saying that for at least a decade, but more in relation to fetishes than porn. I know of some guy who desired to be run over (!) by a car, RUN OVER BY A CAR AND KILLED, while masturbating. He had offered an acquaintance of my friend a very large sum of money to actually do it. I mean, what?


    Golly, Mo, you sure get around.

  5. Was just about to ask what the instrument was at the end of the song, thanks. I'm glad this song is what it is--just simple and beautiful. Kinda like "Oh Say Can You See".


    Coincidentally, I was driving home today and wondering why this hadn't leaked yet...Got some voodoo shit going on or something.

  6. You know, i suddenly see a reality show on the horizon. Evil and i would be the most boring characters on reality TV. What would we even do? It would be like hours and hours of him sitting in front of a computer sleuthing the internet for Lana content. I would sit around all day listening to music on headphones. I imagine he and i sitting in the same room but on opposite ends of the room, mostly in silence. Every once in a while one of us will get up to go to the kitchen and say something like, "I'm going to the kitchen, you want anything?" Your husband would occasionally pass through, uncomfortable but agreeable, questioning to himself this decision that you've made. How will you reassure him that it was a good decision? What are we gonna do when it's time to go on the forum? Do we take turns, each of us allocated a set time with the computer? Or do we all go on at the same time and surf together, having to come to an agreement on which threads we want to see, reading over each others' shoulder? Oh my...


    You forgot the part where you touch dicks W71g8.png

  7. If you'd read the OP you'd see that it's based on the snippets. A minute and 30 seconds is more than enough time to judge a song. You're welcome to leave if you don't want to play though :)


    thankyu god W71g8.png


    I'm just saying it will probably be done by the time the album is out, which doesn't give any room for album listening excitement, redeeming qualities in the music, etc. within this thread.

  8. 30w0708.gif


    Never Let Me Go?


    It's okay, but kinda like "if I want to go to sleep" okay. Her voice is really monotonous, and she can pull that off pretty well, but not compared to Lucky Ones. It was an amazing end to the album. I mean, "Finally, you and me are the lucky ones this time," taking into consideration the subject matter of a vast majority of BTD that was a great ending to the album. In terms of music her voice is great and varied, and the instruments in the chorus and outro are just perfect. I don't think she meant it to be some ground breaking song in the world of music - it is simple, but it serves its purpose extremely well.


    You don't like NLMG? Yikes, praying for you.


    Lucky Ones is not bad at all, I don't get why you don't like it - I guess you don't like songs that make you feel happy. I know Lucky Ones makes me feel happy.


    Actually the simple fact is it doesn't have a single fucking thing to do with me or my love life or my happiness so you all can go ahead and shut the fuck up about that now because I'm done hearing it! I just plain don't like its generic lyrics and music. I'll give props to her vocal performance because it's outstanding, but the rest of it does absolutely nothing for me.


    • I love actually hearing her say "Lana Del Rey" in Every Man Gets HAS His Wish (I got you, SitarHero)


    Finally some agreement :flutter:

  9. Oh yikes.


    Boarding School 15

    Fordham Road 15

    Get Drunk 18

    1949 15

    Dum Dum 15

    Heavy Hitter 15

    Delicious 9

    Afraid 15

    Fake Diamond 15

    Butterflies 15

    American Dream 15

    Kinda Outta Luck 16

    Pin Up Galore 15

    Paradise 15

    Never Let Me Go 15

    Miss America/Trash Magic 16

    Hollywood's Dead 15

    Prom Song (Gone Wrong) 13

    Methamphetamines 15

    On Our Way 16

    Velvet Crowbar 16

  10. 25ip65y.gif


    SOMEONE hasn't fallen in love for the first time.





    Has it come to this now?


    Five of Lana's in-love songs that are better than Lucky Ones off the top of my head:

    - Never Let Me Go

    - On Our Way

    - Every Man Has His Wish

    - Puppy Love

    - Yayo


    Try again bew :hottie:

  11. I suspect that hotline offers counseling for your poor confused ears. Blessings :oprah:


    I have nothing bad to say about LO lyrics. Sure they seem generic, but at the end of BTD? They function as a breath of hope. What makes me skip it almost every time isn't the lyrics, but the pointlessly tepid music. (Reminds me of REO Speedwagon's "Here With Me." Chic-a-chic-a-chooc-AH.)


    The demo, on the other hand, ROCKS. :excited:


    Oh I've dealt with worse lyrics than Lucky Ones, even in a Lana song, the whole of it is just boring. (But really, those damn lyrics, lndlbjdsbjl.) And if it's a breath of hope of hope you need, she could have closed with On Our Way or Never Let Me Go or another of her far superior love songs.


    I've bopped to the demo before, definitely. On my master Lana playlist, it rests right between the DICWB demo and Every Man Has His Wish--two jams.

  12. i feel like queen of the gas station goes with alabama because down south the gas stations are hangout places


    Utah love, though.


    Gas stations are kind of a small-town thing anywhere--I'm in California and I used to spend all day hanging out there when I was little. That was the life :what: (QOTGS being the first of her songs that resonated with me, but that's beside the point.)

  13. Evil, TPD, Sam Gho, et al. are probably on the right track regarding the Alabama sojourn, but i had a passing thought and just wanted to throw out another possibility just for the hell of it. It's the sort of little detail that often gets overlooked because it's either so obvious or just plain silly: Could it be that she listed Alabama...don't laugh...as a state of mind of sorts? :D What i mean is maybe it was just a fantasy she had, perhaps she romanticized the south, and she wanted to make her own narrative more appealing, so she fancied herself living in Alabama to give her persona a certain image, to add to this character/art project she was creating. God knows how many false locations i listed on my MySpace music profile throughout the years...


    Is Alabama mentioned anywhere else in relation to her past, or did the Alabama talk all come from MySpace? I guess i should have asked that question first. Disregard this if it sounds stupid and implausible. Admittedly, i know little about this sort of stuff.


    Dance at night back in Alabama from "Pin Up Galore" is the only thing I can think of. I guess that could also be a fantasy, but then we run the risk of everything being a fantasy.

  14. Every "mmm", "hmm" or other kind of moan in any song. Except the one at the beginning of "Blue Velvet".


    Yes! Even (perhaps especially) the one in Kill Kill, PB.


    If anyone reading this ever feels scared and alone, I want you to know, it doesn't have to be this way. It's okay to profess your love for Lucky Ones. When I came out and told everyone how I felt, I felt this wonderful sense of relief. My true friends accepted me for who I was born to be, and even if they didn't like Lucky Ones, they no longer said bad things about it when I was around. Most of them grew to love and respect it though, just as much as they loved and respected me. If you don't feel comfortable talking to someone you know, please at least call this hotline, they have someone waiting to talk to you 24/7. I swear you won't feel alone anymore. 1-800-LUC-KY1S




    LO is shit n u r a faqq


    Really, when did I become the token sane person Lucky Ones hater? Where are the rest of my people with taste?

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