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Posts posted by Sitar

  1. I'm seeing a guy named Ray.

    We can use our imagination from here. ;)


    My best friend has a boyfriend called Ray who loves heavy metal and has a black motorcycle :creepy:




    You know you're a LDR fan when you sensually go down on a bottle of Pepsi?

    When I'm praising my cat's beauty with such terms as "Miss America"....Uh, probably just me that does that.

    When you tell your cat to "fill 'er up"...just me again.

    When the word "meth(amphetamines)" starts sounding pretty to you.

  2. The best novel I have ever read is called Always & Forever and Five Other Lies by Veronica Simunovic. :) Sitar, you should read it! Perks used to be my favorite novel of all time, until I read A&FAFOL. It's seriously a perfect book.


    Sure! Although that's a tall order. But I love suggestions. I need something new to capture my interest, I don't think I've finished a book since summer because of school.


    ...Hang on. This book doesn't appear to exist on any site I know :uh:

  3. Oh my god, that scene in Carrie drives me to the brink of an emotional breakdown. I just can't consider it a horror movie as long as it makes me feel that sad. Went really well with the song.

  4. http://a.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbi206SXfi1qfo41fo1.mp3


    Oh and if this is for covers, this is my absolute shit cover of Yayo. I forced my friend to cover Burning Desire and he made me cover Yayo, so this was the mess that ensued.

    Look out for lyrical mistakes, such as "I like the ivy and ink, ink blue" and "you art tunnel lined with yellow lines". :eek:


    I did a second cover of Yayo yesterday to make up for this, but sadly, at some point in the cover, I start singing the Cutting Room version so damned if that's ever seeing the light of day. :usrs:






    Can I convince you to do more?!

  5. Exaggeration of Lana's SNL blue jeans:



    :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

    I do this all the time.


    This is a 'cover' I made of Yayo like a month ago.

    I was very sad that day and half drunk but I like to listen to it sometimes to remind myself how far I've come (I'm sorry about the background noise, I was sitting by my window)


    If you decide to listen, I apologize to your ears and please don't hate me for ruining the song lol




    I wish I had talent :crying: Actually really like the background noise :P

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