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Posts posted by Sitar

  1. How disappointed would every Lana fan be if every song on this release were already leaked songs? I would rather have two new songs than a full Hollywood's Dead or Damn You! Sorry, but that's just what I think. :( Just... if they were on this release then I'd be very disappointed.


    I don't want them on the release, don't get me wrong. The more I listen to Born to Die, the more I see it's theme as "dark side of the American dream", in Lana's words, than just glamorous, heartbroken woman. Those two would totally fit with this. I think they would have been very appropriate on BTD, in fact, but perhaps they were left off for a reason. Imagine DY and HD alongside Without You or Radio. It's fitting.


    And the more Lana insists on forcing her voice to go deep, the more autotune we'll see.

  2. "the man i love" (which after the GQ interview i think is about alcohol)


    ednafrau, you're so insightful! :flutter:



    If I ever forget to listen to anything, it's usually BTD tracks ("Diet Mountain Dew", I literally forgot about it for so long) or demos. My master Lana playlist covers several eras and I listen almost every day.

  3. Interesting--I've heard things about Lana's age not being quite exact, but never that she physically looks to be in her 30s. I don't see it.



    I'll keep the opinions going: Her deep voice is forced as hell, she should drop it. I want to hear "Blue Jeans" sung in her natural AKA voice, so she doesn't sound like she's barking in concert.

  4. I love CWYCMA too! I prefer version 1, and have that on my Surf Noir mix (my picks for sort of a LDRAKA:LG part 2)


    Need this mix now :imbeingsarcasticbitch2:


    It's really different and interesting, but fits right in with songs like Mermaid Motel. It could have been a reject, as it was recorded in a real studio and not acoustically. However, it seems the only information we have on it are the dates.

  5. From what I've heard of the Paradise Ed, I don't think Hollywood and DY would really fit in - they're just not of the same dramatic ilk, but that doesn't mean they're not as equally good.


    But you've only heard one song.


    I think there's bound to be more than stuff like ISTBE. If it's a final statement on Born to Die, which includes upbeat songs like OTTR, NA, and DMD, then why shouldn't we expect something similar? Even "Will You Still Love Me..." seems more subdued than dramatic. I think ISTBE is a pretty dark song, but maybe it's to the Paradise Edition as Carmen is to Born to Die. Pretty dark, but not out of place.


    I think those two sounds, thematically, fit in perfectly. However, I don't think they'll be on this release.

  6. Yeah, "The Man I Love" is a fan construction made up of repeated/looped/edited sections that were excised from what is known as the Trash Magic demo, which i still maintain (even without definitive evidence) is itself made up of two different recordings--the choruses of Trash Magic and the sections that make up "The Man I Love"--with some amazingly odd edits.


    I have a theory--I think maybe this song is actually called "Miss America". And the demo including part of this song is "Trash (Miss America)". And the full version is the final "Trash Magic". Does this seem plausible to anyone else?

  7. Also, I remember seeing a screenshot someone took of her posting the original "Yayo" video on Jimmy Gnecco's wall on Facebook with the lyrics and a note saying something like "For you Jim


    Don't do this to me :crying:

  8. "Puppy Love" is the way more engaging title, and if I had no idea that was ever a consideration and knew it as the basic "Marilyn Monroe", I'd think, "Well, why the fuck does she say 'puppy love' so much?" Similiar to "China Doll" shitting on "Without You".

  9. One doesn't even have to read a single word, just taking one quick look at that set of covers suffices. Again, this is not about nudity. Nor is it about dignity, or any moralistic link between the two. For me it's not even about Lana Del Rey's choices, because a big part of what i like and appeals to me about her is that there's something fucked up about her--so many of her lyrics, even her persona itself, often leave me feeling somewhat uncomfortable and confused. There is nothing safe about her.


    My contention here is how problematic and transparent this magazine's whole approach is. This is the sort of thing we see everyday everywhere. But, still, it's upsetting, frustrating, and exhausting to continually see it--in this case in such an unmistakable and blatant fashion--men's control of the media (read: everything) and heteronormative male fantasy as the cultural norm. I mean, really, four "men of the year" uniformly displayed in tuxedos and the lone "woman of the year" naked, looking coy and vulnerable? Really? Can you dig a bigger hole for yourselves, GQ? This is a text book example of patriarchy, androcentrism, the media reducing women to their sexual capital, and a bunch of other insidious, poisonous things that sadly most people either don't notice, don't care about, or dismiss altogether.


    Being pro-this shoot, this is the only point I can really get behind. That it's GQ makes it a different story. Even if they used one of the other shots for the cover--the bathing suit or mask. But from a perspective of Lana's decisions, I hate all this role-model, anti-feminist stuff I'm hearing. No little girl is like, "Grab my non-tit so I can look like Lana Del Rey!" As a principle it's a whole different argument, but I don't think that's what Lana has ever attempted to portray. Before knowing anything about her and simply listening to her album, I thought she was a kept woman whose sugar daddy bought her a record deal. And then in the unreleased material, she's suddenly a "dangerous girl", "belong to everybody the [she] walk by", "the whole world's girl", and essentially way more individualistic. I don't think this makes her essentially anti-feminist, though. It's difficult to explain. I don't think feminism has to be one thing. Maybe this wasn't a very feminist move, but it doesn't define her whole persona. Lana isn't the problem here.

  10. Oops, opened a can of worms. Y'all are prudes. Why can't you be sexual and pro-female?



    She will never write another song as good as "Get Drunk" or "Disco" as long as she's focused on being this deep-voiced, overproduced retro queen with purty lyrical phrasing :oprah:

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