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Posts posted by Sitar

  1. I like this line. It reminds of a line from a Belle & Sebastian song, "If I could have a second skin, I'd probably dress up in you". :3


    That's phreakier than phuck, Maru.



    A smile just naturally comes to my face at the ex-boyfriend line. I love this song.

  2. I didn't think you were offended. My point was this (even though the answer is that it's a Lynch reference): Do you wonder why there's a soldier, a marine, a hypnotist, a secretary, or a dancing couple? What about their meaning? Do you understand their presence? Why does a midget's presence need to be singled out and explained or serve a specific aesthetic purpose apart from anyone/anything else? What about the costumes, sets, and props?


    I'm not offended either or anything. I just feel compelled to ask these sort of questions.


    I suppose there's no real context for any of them other than "inspired by Lynch", which I didn't know. This is too psychological for me :P Perhaps I was meant to have that reaction. Is that it? Is that the answer? It's because it was the most random and eye-catching in a series of random and eye-catching things.

  3. I think a better question is: Why not? Why would that specifically need to be questioned? Imagine going to the grocery store to get some apples and seeing a midget in line and asking: Why is there a midget in the grocery store line?


    A midget wasn't cast in the grocery store line for some specific aesthetic purpose. It's not like I'm offended by the midget. I just don't understand.

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