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Posts posted by Sitar

  1. It's October already next week! so it's not too far off.


    You don't understand the amount of lives I'd sacrifice to have it right now.


    I wrote up some lyrics -



    I've been out on that open road

    You can be my photon, daddy, white and gold

    Singing blues has been getting old

    You can be my photon, baby, hot and cold



    My pussy tastes like Pepsi cola

    My eyes were wide like cherry pies

    I gots a taste for men who are older

    It's always been, so it's no surprise



    You made me crazy, you made me wild

    Just like a baby, scream your name like a child

    Your skin so golden-brown

    Be young, be dope, be proud

    Like an American


    "Gods and Monsters"

    In the land of gods and monsters, I was an angel

    Living in the Garden of Evil

    Screwed up, scared, doing anything that I needed

    Shining like a fiery beacon

    You got the medicine I need

    Fame, liquor, love, give it to me slowly

    Put your hands on my waist, do it softly


    "Bel Air"

    Gargoyles standing at the front of your gate

    [???] told me to wait, but I can’t wait to see you

    So I run like I’m mad, to heaven’s door

  2. I don't think "Money Hunny" can fit in here, sadly. It's from 2005, so I doubt it would fit in with any of the possibilities. MAYBE K, but I doubt it.


    I think a lot of us assume the ordeal with K happened in 2006 simply because that's the Sirens date we have. I believe it to be before that, I honestly do. I did put "Money Hunny" under the K section.




    Unfortunately, it's looking like "Burning Desire" is going under nonspecific. Hopefully we get some tracks on Paradise that continue to flesh out this story.

  3. This is really fucking dark, "Blue Velvet" sounds so out of place. Should have been "Heart-Shaped Box".


    If this goes the way of the rest of her releases, I'll be so excited to obtain some demos from this. Some piano tracks, like the original Video Games or Million Dollar Man. Oof.


    I could cry knowing I have to wait until November for "Gods & Monsters".



    I actually was annoyed when I first heard it.. thought it was boring but it is growing on me


    I think it's a great closing track, the repetition and dirge-like quality is good for that. Just not a single.

  5. Also, not that it matters, but I think K was black. The way she speaks about skin being "golden brown" (although this could be a tan) in "America" and casting A$AP rocky in National Anthem.. I don't think it was for nothing. Again, it doesn't matter I just like to have a picture in my head and now it's of A$AP lol


    Oh yeah and the golden grill stuff and hip hop references.. (I could be wrong cus white ppl do that too)


    I've been thinking THE SAME EXACT THING but was afraid to say it because I thought it would sound racist. Thank you for finally allowing me to say this :P He's got a golden grill, he's lying with his gold chain on, choosing A$AP wasn't an accident. I'm not the only one who thought this, sweet!


    1. I really like your theory of "Fake Diamond," but I highly doubt it's 2011. On the original FM discography, though, it was not matched with a year either, so we'll just have to wish.


    2. I thought about this for awhile...a friend and I were talking about the way she describes her love interest's friends, and it sounds like she's singing to one much older than herself. And it's 2009, if that helps at all. :P


    I know it's a stretch, but I swear it was 2011 on someone's list. Why do you doubt it?

    (What's 2009?)


    I don't think any songs were about Chris C.. I talked to him and he said she was his muse but it was never "like that".. I think he kind of was in lust with her and she just likes being adored by anyone


    I'm so glad this section is back btw


    You're probably more right than I am, but it's worth it to consider when you look at the details. Marilyn Monroe, an office worker, texting could imply that they don't actually see each other.

  6. In my opinion Blue Jeans and Born To Die are about Gnecco.....why did she used Bradley in the booth videos? Because of the tattos....Gnecco has a lot of tattos,right ? And because he wasnt "good" for her because of the drugs, etc.... She would die.....


    I think at the most, Born to Die is a Jimmy song, OR she decided to mix and match because she thought Bradley was hot. His involvement in the Blue Jeans video is probably related to my theory on their relationship. (Speaking of which, no one pooh-poohed my "Fake Diamond" theory, cool :P) Blue Jeans has obvious connections to For K, though. I put Born to Die there because evidence dictates this relationship had some fatal elements.


    My timeline:


    K: 1999-2004, 2004 spent in Alabama

    Van Wilson: A&R 5 points, 2006 met him at the WLSC 2006, probably a short fling.

    Jimmy G: 2007/2008. I think it was also platonic, and more driven from Lana's side. Probably covered the period she was at the trailer park in NJ

    Mike M: Met him first for the interview at Arlene's Grocery in February 2009. With him for 2009, and early 2010 (dated by tweets), but I guess he did not want her to pursue her music anymore, and they broke up (lyrics of Afraid really encapsulate their break-up). The guy rebounded quickly to the woman he got married to in October 2010. I think many of her songs deal with this relationship and the break-up.


    Reeve Carney, can't place him in the timeline, maybe 2008 after JG.


    I don't think Lana has had many relationships. She has said in multiple interviews that in real life she is very quiet, lonely, does not talk much, and therefore continues to feel very strongly about her main relationships (K and MM), because few people really understand her. I think the rings she wears is significant, particularly the one that covers both fingers, because I guess that indicates her eternal feelings for two men. I just hope she can move on at some point, and find someone (I hate thinking of her lonely and alone), although any boyfriend would have to learn to live with the ghosts of two people in the room, K and MM.

    Van Wilson works now as a Sr. Coordinator, Music & Media Licensing for MTV.


    I guess I don't know much about this fling with Van Wilson, other than an interview saying she merely made out with a record producer. I'll guess this is some serious sleuth work I shouldn't know about. I take issue with her dating Mizrahi in 2009 because that seems to be when her...whatever it was with Chris started (evil's right, it could just be a friendship, but giving him the songs "Paris" and "Puppy Love" seems so fitting). I think if any of them were short-lived, it was her time with Reeve.


    Discussing public figures like Jimmy Gnecco and Reeve Carney in this manner is one thing, but I have to say that naming regular people she had relationships with and speculating wildly about them makes me uncomfortable, especially when you get some details wrong (i.e. there's no evidence she was more than friends with Chris C.). As a celebrity, it comes with the territory that some of her personal life will be made public. But don't regular people who had relationships with her before she was famous deserve some privacy? I feel this is a far more important matter in respecting privacy than leaks.


    This can be a murky issue. I know a lot more information about two of the people talked about here. And there are things that are of legitimate interest to fans. But I'd been sitting on the information for some time because I didn't know how to present it without naming names. However, now that these names have been circulating quite a bit, maybe I might as well share it. :\


    I'm curious what people think about the issue in general. Should we start a separate thread to discuss what personal information about Lana and people connected to her we think is appropriate to share?


    You're right to an extent, Sir Entity, but I will point out that this is more speculation than discussion, and most of the info is stuff fans have freely posted on the internet. At most I can claim some insight and ability to connect ridiculous ideas, but I did none of the sleuthing. I'd venture that even you've done some of the work I have written here, to be honest. Having dedicated so much time to not only her music, but her mythology, I'm very interested in this information you're hiding and would love you to share, whether personally or over time. I tell nothing but the most obvious facts and endless speculation here, even if I do know a little more that isn't inferred to in the lyrics. At the very least, would you mind saving me from being totally off and just steer me in the right direction, what with some of my details being "wrong"?


    I guess my only defense is that I'm only collecting the information others have written about publicly. For instance, everyone called "Afraid" a sister to "Video Games", and I trusted that. Do I have a statement that Mike controlled her? No. An early draft of this had me replacing names of the more innocent with "older man" or "internet fling", but everyone already knows, evil.


    This is insane! I don't really have anything to add at the moment, but your sleuthing is remarkable and it wouldn't surprise me if your a lot of your assumptions/intuitive leaps are correct


    O _ O


    As for whether or not this is an acceptable topic to post, I suppose we'll have to let majority rule. This is surprisingly intimate and you have an incredible amount of detail that I wouldn't have thought anyone would know. Daaaayum. Smart cookie :3


    Also, you're hilarious and the commentary is great :3


    EDIT: I'm also working on my own version of LANALYSIS, which will be MUCH BETTER. :P Stay tuned for that!


    Thanks so much, I can't wait for you to shit on all my hard work :teehee: (It will be fantastic.)


    Edit: FYI boo the Bradley Twitter rant was not about Lana, oh my god. I thought we established this on the old forum. It was about Jeffree Star. Him and Porcelain Black got into some kinda fight and Porcelain is Bradley's wife/girlfriend, so BraddyBoy got all pissy about him over twitter (Jeffree is considered a woman to a lot of people, js because I know Bradley was using the pronoun she) and unfollowed Lana afterwards because he stated that he was following the person he was talking shit about. He didn't want people to think he was talking about her so he unfollowed her. There you go.


    Of course he would love to have you believe that. I remain unconvinced :whitney:


    Here's her interview with mike




    i've seen photos of her and mike together. they were definitely a thang. Also seen a similar photo of Carney. I think I know who K is and if I'm right, then some of their relationship was spent while he was behind bars...


    Another sleuth on our hands? Maybe someday you can share with us.


    ...Soon :oprah:

  7. I found this on http://www.songmeani...22107858877556/

    And I believe this, it may not be true, but it sounds great, and gave me a clearer explanation on Lana's past (If it is true)

    BUT I don't agree that Lana has a child. The child could be refering to a relative. And Lana is the carer of the child



    Gosh that's fucked up. It's would actually be pretty convincing, had she not basically explained the meaning of the video games. What a cool explanation, though.


    when did she met M. Mizrahi ?

    Put Me in a Movie is from 2007, I thought she met him in 2008/2009 ?


    The only definite dates we have, relationship-wise: K was already out of the picture by the time she released Sirens in 2006, and already broken up with Mizrahi by 2009. This opens up to even before 2006 for her to have a relationship with Jimmy, Mike, and even Reeve Carney. There's a chance her relationship with Jimmy could have been over by the time she wrote Put Me in a Movie.

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