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Posts posted by Sitar

  1. We could have written descriptions of the artwork? WELL FUCK :P That probably would have helped me elucidate why I used a bloody ass "Born to Die" image for the single cover. I'll keep that one capped for a future challenge. But CotBR's descriptions were very win-worthy, congrats guys :D


    The Gogo Dancers' single cover was my favorite of the challenge, but I thought everyone did pretty well. Clearly had some graphic ability in this challenge, which is nice to see.


    Kinda digging the horror movie feel on Mattiern's late entry, too. The choice of picture reminds me of The Silence of the Lambs.


    Anyway, I'll submit my elimination right now!

  2. (honestly thought get drunk was about them for a while..oh and also reeve and van)


    wth, now Reeve and Van are friends? Also, on the topic of Van--what makes us believe they actually were together?


    Actually, Lizzy's pictures are still on Nick's main website, he's a musician.


    Interesting...is he too innocent to link to? I guess there's a chance that their relationship wasn't dating, per se, but it's a new puzzle piece. Considering "A Star for Nick" was written in the May Jailer era and I believe some of those songs are about a different guy entirely (perhaps even a real jerk, like in "Pride", which would fit with your description of him as a sleaze), this could be legit.


    Also, I do NOT think this is Lizzy


    No, doesn't she have a loopy M-thing tattooed on her hand?

  3. Without You has you all bothered, I see.


    Good luck, everyone, I have no life and will now be watching this thread like a hawk.




    Born To Die 19

    Off To The Races 20

    Blue Jeans 14

    Video Games 15

    Diet Mountain Dew 13

    National Anthem 18

    Dark Paradise 15

    Radio 19

    Carmen 15

    Million Dollar Man 14

    Summertime Sadness 16

    This Is What Makes Us Girls 14

    Without You 28

    Lolita 4

  4. u mad at the best song on the whole album?


    Born To Die 18

    Off To The Races 19

    Blue Jeans 16

    Video Games 15

    Diet Mountain Dew 13

    National Anthem 17

    Dark Paradise 15

    Radio 18

    Carmen 15

    Million Dollar Man 14

    Summertime Sadness 16

    This Is What Makes Us Girls 14

    Without You 29 :whitney:

    Lolita 5

  5. TRUTH!!!! I want to see them collaborate!!!


    What kind of genre defying beauty :oprah:


    Fantasea and the 1991 EP are totally different sounds and I adore them both, but I hope the album sounds more like the songs on the 1991 EP.


    Me, too. Wondering if she'll recycle any songs for the album? Hope not, really. Talking of the album: ugh it's so far away :defeated:

  6. Having dedicated so much time to not only her music, but her mythology, I'm very interested in this information you're hiding and would love you to share, whether personally or over time. I tell nothing but the most obvious facts and endless speculation here, even if I do know a little more that isn't inferred to in the lyrics. At the very least, would you mind saving me from being totally off and just steer me in the right direction, what with some of my details being "wrong"?


    evilentity is ignoring me :smiles:



    It would appear that something is glitching because I am unable to save any edits to this thread...Stay tuned :creep:

  7. I'm having a lot of problems updating the "All Lyrics" thread. It won't let me save after updating new lyrics.


    Similar problem updating the "Lanalysis" thread, I suspect it's something to do with longer posts and only an admin can do anything about it (clearly :P).

  8. SitarHero, you're title should be "Official lyrics provider". You just saved me from hours of frustration, for this I thank you.


    Thank you dear, I come from a place of similar lyrical frustration and understanding :oprah:


    Been really thinking of WHAT ON EARTH the milkshake line could be. Like evil said, it really sounds like "plass-o-bite".


    I wanna buy you up, lasso [???] milkshake?

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